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256 8-bit colors

print(ansi_escape.color("fg", "red") + "red text")

Makes the color of the text itself (aka the foreground color) red.

print(ansi_escape.color("bg", "bright-cyan") + "bright cyan text background")

This will make the background color bright cyan.

ansi_escape.color() also supports the numbers 0-255 here is a list explaining each number.

print(ansi_escape.color("bg", 33) + "text")

You can also use the following human readable names insteead of 0-16:

Instead of Use
0 "black"
1 "red"
2 "green"
3 "yellow"
4 "blue"
5 "magenta"
6 "cyan"
7 "white"
8 "bright-black"
9 "bright-red"
10 "bright-green"
11 "bright-yellow"
12 "bright-blue"
13 "bright-magenta"
14 "bright-cyan"
15 "bright-white"

24-bit True Color

To do this provide ansi_escape.color() with "fg" or "bg" + 3 comma reperated values for r, g, and b respectivley, each rgb value can be a number between 0-255.

print(ansi_escape.color("bg", 128, 0, 255) + "bg for background color")
print(ansi_escape.color("fg", 255, 69, 128) + "fg for foreground color")