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Contour Creator 🗺️

This program takes a tiff heightmap and produces vector contours. This is our project for the INF205: Resource-efficient programming course


  • Read .tif file into memory using gdal
  • Run the marching squares algorithm and produce a "cellmap"
  • Use a lookuptable to produce a vector file from the "cellmap"


  • GDAL >= 3.5
  • OpenMP
  • CMake

If you want to clone the repo with the example files you need git-lfs installed and activated with ´git lfs install´ To install the packages on Fedora run

dnf install g++ git-lfs cmake gdal-devel

on Debian:

apt install g++ git-lfs cmake libgdal-dev

How to build:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cmake --build . --parallel

Then you can run ./contour-creator PATH/TO/HEIGTHMAP.TIF
Run an example file: ./contour-creator "../example_files/Follo 2014-dtm.tif"
Currently the program outputs to ´out.shp´ in the current directory.


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