Ferdig med deloppgave 2 uke 6. Nettverket funker 🥳

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Trygve 2023-10-26 09:28:10 +02:00
parent ea9bf70eaa
commit 29bbee4165
1 changed files with 15 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -2,53 +2,35 @@ import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
class Network:
def __init__(self, layers):
def __init__(self, layers, W_file_list, b_file_list):
self.layers = layers
self.W_file_list = W_file_list
self.b_file_list = b_file_list
self.n_layers = 4
self.n_inputs = 784
self.n_outputs = 10
self.n = [self.n_inputs, 512, 256, self.n_outputs]
self.x = np.random.rand(self.n_inputs)
def run(self):
result = []
for n in self.layers:
l = n(self.x, W_file = 'W_1.txt', b_file = 'b_1.txt')
result = self.x
for n, W_file, b_file in zip(self.layers, self.W_file_list, self.b_file_list):
y = deepcopy(result)
l = n(y, W_file = W_file, b_file = b_file)
result = l.run()
return result
class Layer:
def __init__(self, x, W_file=None, b_file=None):
# define dimensions
self.n_layers = 4
self.n_inputs = 784
self.n_outputs = 10
self.n = [self.n_inputs, 512, 256, self.n_outputs]
def __init__(self, x, W_file, b_file):
self.x = x
# define weights and biases
# generate random wheights if no file is provided. else read the file
files = read(W_file, b_file)
self.W = np.load(files.get('W'))
self.b = np.load(files.get('b'))
print('Y dimensjon 1 lag: ', len(self.W_list[0]), len(self.b_list[0]), len(self.x))
print('Y dimensjon siste lag: ', len(self.W_list[-1]), len(self.b_list[-1]), len(self.x))
self.W = files.get('W')
self.b = files.get('b')
def run(self):
return layer(self.W_list, self.b_list, self.x)
return layer(self.W, self.x, self.b)
def read(W_file, b_file):
with open(W_file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
W_list = [x.split(' ') for x in lines]
W_list = [[float(n) for n in x] for x in W_list]
with open(b_file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
b_list = [x.split(' ') for x in lines]
b_list = [[float(n) for n in x] for x in W_list]
return {'W': W_list, 'b': b_list}
return {'W': np.loadtxt(W_file), 'b': np.loadtxt(b_file)}
# define activation function
def sigma(y):
@ -62,16 +44,9 @@ sigma_vec = np.vectorize(sigma)
def layer(W, x, b):
return sigma_vec(W @ x + b)
# define neural network with all weights W and all biases b in W_list and b_list
def f(W_list, b_list, x):
y = deepcopy(x) # deepcopy so that input is not changed
for W, b in zip(W_list, b_list):
y = layer(W, y, b) # call layer multiple times with all weights and biases
return y
def main():
network = Network([Layer, Layer])
network = Network([Layer, Layer, Layer], ['W_1.txt', 'W_2.txt', 'W_3.txt'], ['b_1.txt', 'b_2.txt', 'b_3.txt'])
if __name__ == '__main__':