import argparse import file_io import iof_xml # Main entrypoint for now. Cli with two options; init will make the files needed and run will start the program from the specified directory def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Otime very alpha version 😁') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help='INIT') parser_init.add_argument('--entries', required=True, dest='entries_file', action='store', default='./', help='The xml file with entries') parser_init.add_argument('--courses', required=True, dest='courses_file', action='store', default='./', help='The xml with courses') parser_init.add_argument('--dir', required=False, dest='dir', action='store', default='./', help='Specify a directort, if not set the files are created in the current directory') args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'init': init_dir(args.dir, args.entries_file, args.courses_file) def init_dir(project_dir, entries_xml_file, courses_xml_file): # Lager mappe med en config fil, en csv fil med løpere og en fil med mtr data csv_db_path = project_dir + '/runners.csv' config_path = project_dir + '/config.yaml' mtr_path = project_dir + 'mtr.yaml' event = iof_xml.event_from_xml_entries(entries_xml_file) = iof_xml.courses_from_xml(courses_xml_file) file_io.write_runners_csv(event, csv_db_path) file_io.write_config(event, config_path) file_io.write_card_dumps(event, mtr_path) if __name__ == '__main__': main()