from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522#rfid reader library from requests import post, get #make post & get requests from RPi import GPIO import json#json from mysql import connector#mysql import datetime def timestamp(): # return [] with open('./settings.json') as json_settings:#open json file with settings settings = json.loads( the json to a python object reader = SimpleMFRC522() localdb = connector.connect(#connect to a local mariadb database host=settings['localdb']['host'], user=settings['localdb']['user'], password=settings['localdb']['password'], database=settings['localdb']['database'] ) cursor = localdb.cursor() cursor.execute("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'time_zone';") cursor.execute("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'system_time_zone';") cursor.execute("SELECT NOW();") localdb.commit() print(mycursor.fetchall()) get(str(settings['url'] + '/stafett/time.php')) try: while True: id, text = rfid rfid = [str(id) + str(text)] print(rfid) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tidtabell (rfid) VALUES(%s);", (rfid)) #^sends the rfid into the database, the time column is automatically CURRENT_TIMESTAMP whitch is the same as NOW(); localdb.commit()#write the sql post(settings['url'], {'rfid': rfid[0], 'timestamp': timestamp()})#send POST with rfid to except KeyboardInterrupt:#ctrl + c GPIO.cleanup()#clean up the gpio raise#exit program