#!/bin/bash GIT_REPO="https://git.willy.club/William/kvs-linuxmint-dloadx" GIT_NAME="kvs-linuxmint-dloadx" # Must not contain spaces and/or weird characters TARGET_DIR="/opt" #directory to install to USERNAME=$(logname) if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then #make shure that script is being run as root echo "This script must be run as root." exit 1 fi apt update && apt install -y git wine setserial tlp #install dependencies systemctl enable tlp --now #enable and start nessecary systemd service file cd $TARGET_DIR/ #change current working directory to install directory git clone $GIT_REPO #clone git again cd $GIT_NAME #enter directory of cloned git adduser $USERNAME dialout # ???? echo "[Unit] Description=Wine Serial Fix After=network.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=bash $TARGET_DIR/$GIT_NAME/wine_serial_fix.sh $USERNAME TimeoutStartSec=0 [Install] WantedBy=graphical.target" > "/etc/systemd/system/wine-serial-fix.service" #creates systemd service file systemctl daemon-reload #make systemd detect the new service file systemctl enable wine-serial-fix.service --now #enables and starts the systemd service file sudo -H -u $USERNAME bash -c "cd $TARGET_DIR/$GIT_NAME && wine DLOADX*.exe" # ??????? echo -e "\e[1;32mFerdig. Logg ut og inn av økten eller start datamaskinen på nytt.\e[0m" #done