2023-02-06 23:18:45 +01:00

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<p>This website uses cookies, including third party ones, to allow for analysis of how people use our website in order to improve your experience and our services. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of such cookies. <a href="http://arngren.net">Click here</a> for more information on our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.</p>
<button onclick="startTheThang()">I OBEY</button>
html, body {
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@keyframes aids {
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20% {
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<div class="div-torule-them-all">
// Amount of Snowflakes
var snowMax = 16;
// Snowflake Colours
var snowColor = ["#fff"];
// Snow Entity
var snowEntity = "8==D";
// Falling Velocity
var snowSpeed = 0.75;
// Minimum Flake Size
var snowMinSize = 8;
// Maximum Flake Size
var snowMaxSize = 16;
// Refresh Rate (in milliseconds)
var snowRefresh = 25;
// Additional Styles
var snowStyles = "z-index: 0; cursor: default; user-select: none;";
// End of Configuration
// ----------------------------------------
// Do not modify the code below this line
var snow = [],
pos = [],
coords = [],
lefr = [],
function randomise(range) {
rand = Math.floor(range * Math.random());
return rand;
function initSnow() {
var snowSize = snowMaxSize - snowMinSize;
marginBottom = document.body.scrollHeight - 5;
marginRight = document.body.clientWidth - 15;
for (i = 0; i <= snowMax; i++) {
coords[i] = 0;
lefr[i] = Math.random() * 15;
pos[i] = 0.03 + Math.random() / 10;
snow[i] = document.getElementById("flake" + i);
snow[i].style.fontFamily = "inherit";
snow[i].size = randomise(snowSize) + snowMinSize;
snow[i].style.fontSize = snow[i].size + "px";
snow[i].style.color = snowColor[randomise(snowColor.length)];
snow[i].style.zIndex = -1;
snow[i].sink = snowSpeed * snow[i].size / 5;
snow[i].posX = randomise(marginRight - snow[i].size);
snow[i].posY = randomise(2 * marginBottom - marginBottom - 2 * snow[i].size);
snow[i].style.left = snow[i].posX + "px";
snow[i].style.top = snow[i].posY + "px";
function resize() {
marginBottom = document.body.scrollHeight - 5;
marginRight = document.body.clientWidth - 15;
function moveSnow() {
for (i = 0; i <= snowMax; i++) {
coords[i] += pos[i];
snow[i].posY += snow[i].sink;
snow[i].style.left = snow[i].posX + lefr[i] * Math.sin(coords[i]) + "px";
snow[i].style.top = snow[i].posY + "px";
if (snow[i].posY >= marginBottom - 2 * snow[i].size || parseInt(snow[i].style.left) > (marginRight - 3 * lefr[i])) {
snow[i].posX = randomise(marginRight - snow[i].size);
snow[i].posY = 0;
setTimeout("moveSnow()", snowRefresh);
for (i = 0; i <= snowMax; i++) {
document.write("<span id='flake" + i + "' style='" + snowStyles + "position:absolute;top:-" + snowMaxSize + "'>" + snowEntity + "</span>");
window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
window.addEventListener('load', initSnow);
<header style="
padding-top: 1rem;
padding-bottom: 1rem;
backdrop-filter: blur(20px);
<nav class="container">
<a href="./">Homopage</a>
<div style="
padding-top: 2rem;
padding-bottom: 2rem;
<div class="container">
<h1 class="hero-text">
<?php $hero_text = 'Faggot Homosex Blog'; ?>
<?php for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hero_text); $i++): ?><span style="--i:<?=$i?>"><?=htmlspecialchars($hero_text[$i])?></span><?php endfor; ?>
<p>There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking. </p>
<main class="container" id="pageContent">