import subprocess def main(): for i in range(100): node_add(i) node_connect(i, i + 1) def node_add(node_id): config = f""" [reticulum] enable_transport = True share_instance = Yes shared_instance_port = {30000 + node_id} instance_control_port = {40000 + node_id} [interfaces] [[Standard Server Interface]] type = TCPServerInterface interface_enabled = True listen_ip = localhost listen_port = {50000 + node_id} """["mkdir", "-p", f"nodes/{node_id}"]) with open(f"nodes/{node_id}/config", "w+") as file: file.write(config) def node_connect(node1, node2): with open(f"nodes/{node1}/config", "a") as file: file.write(f""" [[Connected to Node: {node2}]] type = TCPClientInterface interface_enabled = True target_host = localhost target_port = {50000 + node2} #END """) if __name__ == "__main__": main()