From 41d45a76ff3b056afa96ebd43be17644c9019f20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: William More than just willies! Some of the time.
Welcome to my webserver! Your bits have passed through the pipes that make up the internet all the way to my laptop located in Southern Norway, Kristiansand.
+Welcome to my webserver! Your bits have traveled through the pipes that make up the internet all the way to my laptop situated in Southern Norway, Kristiansand.
- -Isn't she beautiful? Released in 2008 is a ThinkPad R400 running Libreboot equipped with:
+Isn't she beautiful? Released in 2008 is a ThinkPad R400 that's been librebooted and equipped with:
The server serves some services; couple being accessible through here.
+The server serves some services; couple being publicly accessible.
I'm a little depressed.
+I'm a little depressed. 🤷
= view('footer') ?> \ No newline at end of file