# u-msgpack-python v2.5.0 - v at sergeev.io # https://github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python # # u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer # module, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy # implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the # latest MessagePack specification.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md). In # particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application ext # types. # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 vsergeev / Ivan (Vanya) A. Sergeev # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # """ u-msgpack-python v2.5.0 - v at sergeev.io https://github.com/vsergeev/u-msgpack-python u-msgpack-python is a lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer module, compatible with both Python 2 and 3, as well CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest MessagePack specification.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md). In particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application ext types. License: MIT """ import struct import collections import datetime import sys import io __version__ = "2.5.0" "Module version string" version = (2, 5, 0) "Module version tuple" ############################################################################## # Ext Class ############################################################################## # Extension type for application-defined types and data class Ext: """ The Ext class facilitates creating a serializable extension object to store an application-defined type and data byte array. """ def __init__(self, type, data): """ Construct a new Ext object. Args: type: application-defined type integer data: application-defined data byte array Example: >>> foo = umsgpack.Ext(0x05, b"\x01\x02\x03") >>> umsgpack.packb({u"special stuff": foo, u"awesome": True}) '\x82\xa7awesome\xc3\xadspecial stuff\xc7\x03\x05\x01\x02\x03' >>> bar = umsgpack.unpackb(_) >>> print(bar["special stuff"]) Ext Object (Type: 0x05, Data: 01 02 03) >>> """ # Check type is type int if not isinstance(type, int): raise TypeError("ext type is not type integer") # Check data is type bytes elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'bytes\'") elif sys.version_info[0] == 2 and not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError("ext data is not type \'str\'") self.type = type self.data = data def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare this Ext object with another for equality. """ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.type == other.type and self.data == other.data) def __ne__(self, other): """ Compare this Ext object with another for inequality. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this Ext object. """ s = "Ext Object (Type: 0x%02x, Data: " % self.type s += " ".join(["0x%02x" % ord(self.data[i:i + 1]) for i in xrange(min(len(self.data), 8))]) if len(self.data) > 8: s += " ..." s += ")" return s def __hash__(self): """ Provide a hash of this Ext object. """ return hash((self.type, self.data)) class InvalidString(bytes): """Subclass of bytes to hold invalid UTF-8 strings.""" pass ############################################################################## # Exceptions ############################################################################## # Base Exception classes class PackException(Exception): "Base class for exceptions encountered during packing." pass class UnpackException(Exception): "Base class for exceptions encountered during unpacking." pass # Packing error class UnsupportedTypeException(PackException): "Object type not supported for packing." pass # Unpacking error class InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): "Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object." pass class InvalidStringException(UnpackException): "Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking." pass class UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): "Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking." pass class ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): "Reserved code encountered during unpacking." pass class UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): """ Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. """ pass class DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): "Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking." pass # Backwards compatibility KeyNotPrimitiveException = UnhashableKeyException KeyDuplicateException = DuplicateKeyException ############################################################################# # Exported Functions and Glob ############################################################################# # Exported functions and variables, set up in __init() pack = None packb = None unpack = None unpackb = None dump = None dumps = None load = None loads = None compatibility = False """ Compatibility mode boolean. When compatibility mode is enabled, u-msgpack-python will serialize both unicode strings and bytes into the old "raw" msgpack type, and deserialize the "raw" msgpack type into bytes. This provides backwards compatibility with the old MessagePack specification. Example: >>> umsgpack.compatibility = True >>> >>> umsgpack.packb([u"some string", b"some bytes"]) b'\x92\xabsome string\xaasome bytes' >>> umsgpack.unpackb(_) [b'some string', b'some bytes'] >>> """ ############################################################################## # Packing ############################################################################## # You may notice struct.pack("B", obj) instead of the simpler chr(obj) in the # code below. This is to allow for seamless Python 2 and 3 compatibility, as # chr(obj) has a str return type instead of bytes in Python 3, and # struct.pack(...) has the right return type in both versions. def _pack_integer(obj, fp, options): if obj < 0: if obj >= -32: fp.write(struct.pack("b", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(8 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd0" + struct.pack("b", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(16 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd1" + struct.pack(">h", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(32 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd2" + struct.pack(">i", obj)) elif obj >= -2**(64 - 1): fp.write(b"\xd3" + struct.pack(">q", obj)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge signed int") else: if obj <= 127: fp.write(struct.pack("B", obj)) elif obj <= 2**8 - 1: fp.write(b"\xcc" + struct.pack("B", obj)) elif obj <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xcd" + struct.pack(">H", obj)) elif obj <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xce" + struct.pack(">I", obj)) elif obj <= 2**64 - 1: fp.write(b"\xcf" + struct.pack(">Q", obj)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge unsigned int") def _pack_nil(obj, fp, options): fp.write(b"\xc0") def _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options): fp.write(b"\xc3" if obj else b"\xc2") def _pack_float(obj, fp, options): float_precision = options.get('force_float_precision', _float_precision) if float_precision == "double": fp.write(b"\xcb" + struct.pack(">d", obj)) elif float_precision == "single": fp.write(b"\xca" + struct.pack(">f", obj)) else: raise ValueError("invalid float precision") def _pack_string(obj, fp, options): obj = obj.encode('utf-8') if len(obj) <= 31: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**8 - 1: fp.write(b"\xd9" + struct.pack("B", len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge string") def _pack_binary(obj, fp, options): if len(obj) <= 2**8 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc4" + struct.pack("B", len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc5" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc6" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge binary string") def _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options): if len(obj) <= 31: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0xa0 | len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xda" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj)) + obj) elif len(obj) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xdb" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj)) + obj) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge raw string") def _pack_ext(obj, fp, options): if len(obj.data) == 1: fp.write(b"\xd4" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) == 2: fp.write(b"\xd5" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) == 4: fp.write(b"\xd6" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) == 8: fp.write(b"\xd7" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) == 16: fp.write(b"\xd8" + struct.pack("B", obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) <= 2**8 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc7" + struct.pack("BB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc8" + struct.pack(">HB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) elif len(obj.data) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xc9" + struct.pack(">IB", len(obj.data), obj.type & 0xff) + obj.data) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge ext data") def _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options): delta = obj - _epoch seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400 microseconds = delta.microseconds if microseconds == 0 and 0 <= seconds <= 2**32 - 1: # 32-bit timestamp fp.write(b"\xd6\xff" + struct.pack(">I", seconds)) elif 0 <= seconds <= 2**34 - 1: # 64-bit timestamp value = ((microseconds * 1000) << 34) | seconds fp.write(b"\xd7\xff" + struct.pack(">Q", value)) elif -2**63 <= abs(seconds) <= 2**63 - 1: # 96-bit timestamp fp.write(b"\xc7\x0c\xff" + struct.pack(">I", microseconds * 1000) + struct.pack(">q", seconds)) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge timestamp") def _pack_array(obj, fp, options): if len(obj) <= 15: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x90 | len(obj))) elif len(obj) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xdc" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj))) elif len(obj) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xdd" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array") for e in obj: pack(e, fp, **options) def _pack_map(obj, fp, options): if len(obj) <= 15: fp.write(struct.pack("B", 0x80 | len(obj))) elif len(obj) <= 2**16 - 1: fp.write(b"\xde" + struct.pack(">H", len(obj))) elif len(obj) <= 2**32 - 1: fp.write(b"\xdf" + struct.pack(">I", len(obj))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("huge array") for k, v in obj.items(): pack(k, fp, **options) pack(v, fp, **options) ######################################## # Pack for Python 2, with 'unicode' type, 'str' type, and 'long' type def _pack2(obj, fp, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats. Returns: None. Raises: UnsupportedType(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'wb') >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, f) >>> """ global compatibility ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if obj is None: _pack_nil(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers and obj.__class__ in ext_handlers: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[obj.__class__](obj), fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, bool): _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long): _pack_integer(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, float): _pack_float(obj, fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, unicode): _pack_oldspec_raw(bytes(obj), fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, unicode): _pack_string(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, str): _pack_binary(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): _pack_array(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, dict): _pack_map(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, Ext): _pack_ext(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in ext_handlers.keys() if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[t](obj), fp, options) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException("unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj))) # Pack for Python 3, with unicode 'str' type, 'bytes' type, and no 'long' type def _pack3(obj, fp, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object fp: a .write()-supporting file-like object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats. Returns: None. Raises: UnsupportedType(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'wb') >>> umsgpack.pack({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}, f) >>> """ global compatibility ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if obj is None: _pack_nil(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers and obj.__class__ in ext_handlers: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[obj.__class__](obj), fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, bool): _pack_boolean(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, int): _pack_integer(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, float): _pack_float(obj, fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, str): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj.encode('utf-8'), fp, options) elif compatibility and isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_oldspec_raw(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, str): _pack_string(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): _pack_binary(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): _pack_array(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, dict): _pack_map(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): _pack_ext_timestamp(obj, fp, options) elif isinstance(obj, Ext): _pack_ext(obj, fp, options) elif ext_handlers: # Linear search for superclass t = next((t for t in ext_handlers.keys() if isinstance(obj, t)), None) if t: _pack_ext(ext_handlers[t](obj), fp, options) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj))) else: raise UnsupportedTypeException( "unsupported type: %s" % str(type(obj))) def _packb2(obj, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats. Returns: A 'str' containing serialized MessagePack bytes. Raises: UnsupportedType(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}) '\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00' >>> """ fp = io.BytesIO() _pack2(obj, fp, **options) return fp.getvalue() def _packb3(obj, **options): """ Serialize a Python object into MessagePack bytes. Args: obj: a Python object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping a custom type to a callable that packs an instance of the type into an Ext object force_float_precision (str): "single" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 single-precision floats, "double" to force packing floats as IEEE-754 double-precision floats. Returns: A 'bytes' containing serialized MessagePack bytes. Raises: UnsupportedType(PackException): Object type not supported for packing. Example: >>> umsgpack.packb({u"compact": True, u"schema": 0}) b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00' >>> """ fp = io.BytesIO() _pack3(obj, fp, **options) return fp.getvalue() ############################################################################# # Unpacking ############################################################################# def _read_except(fp, n): data = fp.read(n) if len(data) < n: raise InsufficientDataException() return data def _unpack_integer(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xe0: return struct.unpack("b", code)[0] elif code == b'\xd0': return struct.unpack("b", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xd1': return struct.unpack(">h", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xd2': return struct.unpack(">i", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xd3': return struct.unpack(">q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] elif (ord(code) & 0x80) == 0x00: return struct.unpack("B", code)[0] elif code == b'\xcc': return struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xcd': return struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xce': return struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xcf': return struct.unpack(">Q", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] raise Exception("logic error, not int: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) def _unpack_reserved(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc1': raise ReservedCodeException( "encountered reserved code: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) raise Exception( "logic error, not reserved code: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) def _unpack_nil(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc0': return None raise Exception("logic error, not nil: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) def _unpack_boolean(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc2': return False elif code == b'\xc3': return True raise Exception("logic error, not boolean: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) def _unpack_float(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xca': return struct.unpack(">f", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] elif code == b'\xcb': return struct.unpack(">d", _read_except(fp, 8))[0] raise Exception("logic error, not float: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) def _unpack_string(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xe0) == 0xa0: length = ord(code) & ~0xe0 elif code == b'\xd9': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xda': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdb': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not string: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) # Always return raw bytes in compatibility mode global compatibility if compatibility: return _read_except(fp, length) data = _read_except(fp, length) try: return bytes.decode(data, 'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: if options.get("allow_invalid_utf8"): return InvalidString(data) raise InvalidStringException("unpacked string is invalid utf-8") def _unpack_binary(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xc4': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xc5': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xc6': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not binary: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) return _read_except(fp, length) def _unpack_ext(code, fp, options): if code == b'\xd4': length = 1 elif code == b'\xd5': length = 2 elif code == b'\xd6': length = 4 elif code == b'\xd7': length = 8 elif code == b'\xd8': length = 16 elif code == b'\xc7': length = struct.unpack("B", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] elif code == b'\xc8': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xc9': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not ext: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) ext_type = struct.unpack("b", _read_except(fp, 1))[0] ext_data = _read_except(fp, length) # Create extension object ext = Ext(ext_type, ext_data) # Unpack with ext handler, if we have one ext_handlers = options.get("ext_handlers") if ext_handlers and ext.type in ext_handlers: return ext_handlers[ext.type](ext) # Timestamp extension if ext.type == -1: return _unpack_ext_timestamp(ext, options) return ext def _unpack_ext_timestamp(ext, options): if len(ext.data) == 4: # 32-bit timestamp seconds = struct.unpack(">I", ext.data)[0] microseconds = 0 elif len(ext.data) == 8: # 64-bit timestamp value = struct.unpack(">Q", ext.data)[0] seconds = value & 0x3ffffffff microseconds = (value >> 34) // 1000 elif len(ext.data) == 12: # 96-bit timestamp seconds = struct.unpack(">q", ext.data[4:12])[0] microseconds = struct.unpack(">I", ext.data[0:4])[0] // 1000 else: raise UnsupportedTimestampException( "unsupported timestamp with data length %d" % len(ext.data)) return _epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) def _unpack_array(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x90: length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0) elif code == b'\xdc': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdd': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not array: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) return [_unpack(fp, options) for i in xrange(length)] def _deep_list_to_tuple(obj): if isinstance(obj, list): return tuple([_deep_list_to_tuple(e) for e in obj]) return obj def _unpack_map(code, fp, options): if (ord(code) & 0xf0) == 0x80: length = (ord(code) & ~0xf0) elif code == b'\xde': length = struct.unpack(">H", _read_except(fp, 2))[0] elif code == b'\xdf': length = struct.unpack(">I", _read_except(fp, 4))[0] else: raise Exception("logic error, not map: 0x%02x" % ord(code)) d = {} if not options.get('use_ordered_dict') \ else collections.OrderedDict() for _ in xrange(length): # Unpack key k = _unpack(fp, options) if isinstance(k, list): # Attempt to convert list into a hashable tuple k = _deep_list_to_tuple(k) elif not isinstance(k, collections.Hashable): raise UnhashableKeyException( "encountered unhashable key: %s, %s" % (str(k), str(type(k)))) elif k in d: raise DuplicateKeyException( "encountered duplicate key: %s, %s" % (str(k), str(type(k)))) # Unpack value v = _unpack(fp, options) try: d[k] = v except TypeError: raise UnhashableKeyException( "encountered unhashable key: %s" % str(k)) return d def _unpack(fp, options): code = _read_except(fp, 1) return _unpack_dispatch_table[code](code, fp, options) ######################################## def _unpack2(fp, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of unordered dict (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of InvalidString, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: A Python object. Raises: InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'rb') >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f) {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0} >>> """ return _unpack(fp, options) def _unpack3(fp, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: fp: a .read()-supporting file-like object Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of unordered dict (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of InvalidString, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: A Python object. Raises: InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> f = open('test.bin', 'rb') >>> umsgpack.unpackb(f) {'compact': True, 'schema': 0} >>> """ return _unpack(fp, options) # For Python 2, expects a str object def _unpackb2(s, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: s: a 'str' or 'bytearray' containing serialized MessagePack bytes Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of unordered dict (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of InvalidString, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: A Python object. Raises: TypeError: Packed data type is neither 'str' nor 'bytearray'. InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00') {u'compact': True, u'schema': 0} >>> """ if not isinstance(s, (str, bytearray)): raise TypeError("packed data must be type 'str' or 'bytearray'") return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s), options) # For Python 3, expects a bytes object def _unpackb3(s, **options): """ Deserialize MessagePack bytes into a Python object. Args: s: a 'bytes' or 'bytearray' containing serialized MessagePack bytes Kwargs: ext_handlers (dict): dictionary of Ext handlers, mapping integer Ext type to a callable that unpacks an instance of Ext into an object use_ordered_dict (bool): unpack maps into OrderedDict, instead of unordered dict (default False) allow_invalid_utf8 (bool): unpack invalid strings into instances of InvalidString, for access to the bytes (default False) Returns: A Python object. Raises: TypeError: Packed data type is neither 'bytes' nor 'bytearray'. InsufficientDataException(UnpackException): Insufficient data to unpack the serialized object. InvalidStringException(UnpackException): Invalid UTF-8 string encountered during unpacking. UnsupportedTimestampException(UnpackException): Unsupported timestamp format encountered during unpacking. ReservedCodeException(UnpackException): Reserved code encountered during unpacking. UnhashableKeyException(UnpackException): Unhashable key encountered during map unpacking. The serialized map cannot be deserialized into a Python dictionary. DuplicateKeyException(UnpackException): Duplicate key encountered during map unpacking. Example: >>> umsgpack.unpackb(b'\x82\xa7compact\xc3\xa6schema\x00') {'compact': True, 'schema': 0} >>> """ if not isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError("packed data must be type 'bytes' or 'bytearray'") return _unpack(io.BytesIO(s), options) ############################################################################# # Module Initialization ############################################################################# def __init(): global pack global packb global unpack global unpackb global dump global dumps global load global loads global compatibility global _epoch global _utc_tzinfo global _float_precision global _unpack_dispatch_table global xrange # Compatibility mode for handling strings/bytes with the old specification compatibility = False if sys.version_info[0] == 3: _utc_tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc else: _utc_tzinfo = None # Calculate epoch datetime _epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=_utc_tzinfo) # Auto-detect system float precision if sys.float_info.mant_dig == 53: _float_precision = "double" else: _float_precision = "single" # Map packb and unpackb to the appropriate version if sys.version_info[0] == 3: pack = _pack3 packb = _packb3 dump = _pack3 dumps = _packb3 unpack = _unpack3 unpackb = _unpackb3 load = _unpack3 loads = _unpackb3 xrange = range else: pack = _pack2 packb = _packb2 dump = _pack2 dumps = _packb2 unpack = _unpack2 unpackb = _unpackb2 load = _unpack2 loads = _unpackb2 # Build a dispatch table for fast lookup of unpacking function _unpack_dispatch_table = {} # Fix uint for code in range(0, 0x7f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Fix map for code in range(0x80, 0x8f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_map # Fix array for code in range(0x90, 0x9f + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_array # Fix str for code in range(0xa0, 0xbf + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string # Nil _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc0'] = _unpack_nil # Reserved _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc1'] = _unpack_reserved # Boolean _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc2'] = _unpack_boolean _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xc3'] = _unpack_boolean # Bin for code in range(0xc4, 0xc6 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_binary # Ext for code in range(0xc7, 0xc9 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext # Float _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xca'] = _unpack_float _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xcb'] = _unpack_float # Uint for code in range(0xcc, 0xcf + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Int for code in range(0xd0, 0xd3 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer # Fixext for code in range(0xd4, 0xd8 + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_ext # String for code in range(0xd9, 0xdb + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_string # Array _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdc'] = _unpack_array _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdd'] = _unpack_array # Map _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xde'] = _unpack_map _unpack_dispatch_table[b'\xdf'] = _unpack_map # Negative fixint for code in range(0xe0, 0xff + 1): _unpack_dispatch_table[struct.pack("B", code)] = _unpack_integer __init()