from __future__ import annotations import collections import enum import threading import time from types import TracebackType from typing import Type, Callable, TypeVar, Generic, NewType import abc import contextlib import struct import RNS from abc import ABC, abstractmethod TPacket = TypeVar("TPacket") class ChannelOutletBase(ABC, Generic[TPacket]): @abstractmethod def send(self, raw: bytes) -> TPacket: raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def resend(self, packet: TPacket) -> TPacket: raise NotImplemented() @property @abstractmethod def mdu(self): raise NotImplemented() @property @abstractmethod def rtt(self): raise NotImplemented() @property @abstractmethod def is_usable(self): raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def get_packet_state(self, packet: TPacket) -> MessageState: raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def timed_out(self): raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def __str__(self): raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def set_packet_timeout_callback(self, packet: TPacket, callback: Callable[[TPacket], None] | None, timeout: float | None = None): raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def set_packet_delivered_callback(self, packet: TPacket, callback: Callable[[TPacket], None] | None): raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def get_packet_id(self, packet: TPacket) -> any: raise NotImplemented() class CEType(enum.IntEnum): ME_NO_MSG_TYPE = 0 ME_INVALID_MSG_TYPE = 1 ME_NOT_REGISTERED = 2 ME_LINK_NOT_READY = 3 ME_ALREADY_SENT = 4 ME_TOO_BIG = 5 class ChannelException(Exception): def __init__(self, ce_type: CEType, *args): super().__init__(args) self.type = ce_type class MessageState(enum.IntEnum): MSGSTATE_NEW = 0 MSGSTATE_SENT = 1 MSGSTATE_DELIVERED = 2 MSGSTATE_FAILED = 3 class MessageBase(abc.ABC): MSGTYPE = None @abstractmethod def pack(self) -> bytes: raise NotImplemented() @abstractmethod def unpack(self, raw): raise NotImplemented() MessageCallbackType = NewType("MessageCallbackType", Callable[[MessageBase], bool]) class Envelope: def unpack(self, message_factories: dict[int, Type]) -> MessageBase: msgtype, self.sequence, length = struct.unpack(">HHH", self.raw[:6]) raw = self.raw[6:] ctor = message_factories.get(msgtype, None) if ctor is None: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_NOT_REGISTERED, f"Unable to find constructor for Channel MSGTYPE {hex(msgtype)}") message = ctor() message.unpack(raw) return message def pack(self) -> bytes: if self.message.__class__.MSGTYPE is None: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_NO_MSG_TYPE, f"{self.message.__class__} lacks MSGTYPE") data = self.message.pack() self.raw = struct.pack(">HHH", self.message.MSGTYPE, self.sequence, len(data)) + data return self.raw def __init__(self, outlet: ChannelOutletBase, message: MessageBase = None, raw: bytes = None, sequence: int = None): self.ts = time.time() = id(self) self.message = message self.raw = raw self.packet: TPacket = None self.sequence = sequence self.outlet = outlet self.tries = 0 self.tracked = False class Channel(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): def __init__(self, outlet: ChannelOutletBase): self._outlet = outlet self._lock = threading.RLock() self._tx_ring: collections.deque[Envelope] = collections.deque() self._rx_ring: collections.deque[Envelope] = collections.deque() self._message_callbacks: [MessageCallbackType] = [] self._next_sequence = 0 self._message_factories: dict[int, Type[MessageBase]] = {} self._max_tries = 5 def __enter__(self) -> Channel: return self def __exit__(self, __exc_type: Type[BaseException] | None, __exc_value: BaseException | None, __traceback: TracebackType | None) -> bool | None: self.shutdown() return False def register_message_type(self, message_class: Type[MessageBase], *, is_system_type: bool = False): with self._lock: if not issubclass(message_class, MessageBase): raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_INVALID_MSG_TYPE, f"{message_class} is not a subclass of {MessageBase}.") if message_class.MSGTYPE is None: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_INVALID_MSG_TYPE, f"{message_class} has invalid MSGTYPE class attribute.") if message_class.MSGTYPE >= 0xff00 and not is_system_type: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_INVALID_MSG_TYPE, f"{message_class} has system-reserved message type.") try: message_class() except Exception as ex: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_INVALID_MSG_TYPE, f"{message_class} raised an exception when constructed with no arguments: {ex}") self._message_factories[message_class.MSGTYPE] = message_class def add_message_handler(self, callback: MessageCallbackType): with self._lock: if callback not in self._message_callbacks: self._message_callbacks.append(callback) def remove_message_handler(self, callback: MessageCallbackType): with self._lock: self._message_callbacks.remove(callback) def shutdown(self): with self._lock: self._message_callbacks.clear() self.clear_rings() def clear_rings(self): with self._lock: for envelope in self._tx_ring: if envelope.packet is not None: self._outlet.set_packet_timeout_callback(envelope.packet, None) self._outlet.set_packet_delivered_callback(envelope.packet, None) self._tx_ring.clear() self._rx_ring.clear() def emplace_envelope(self, envelope: Envelope, ring: collections.deque[Envelope]) -> bool: with self._lock: i = 0 for env in ring: if env.sequence < envelope.sequence: ring.insert(i, envelope) return True if env.sequence == envelope.sequence: RNS.log(f"Envelope: Emplacement of duplicate envelope sequence.", RNS.LOG_EXTREME) return False i += 1 envelope.tracked = True ring.append(envelope) return True def prune_rx_ring(self): with self._lock: # Implementation for fixed window = 1 stale = list(sorted(self._rx_ring, key=lambda env: env.sequence, reverse=True))[1:] for env in stale: env.tracked = False self._rx_ring.remove(env) def _run_callbacks(self, message: MessageBase): with self._lock: cbs = self._message_callbacks.copy() for cb in cbs: try: if cb(message): return except Exception as ex: RNS.log(f"Channel: Error running message callback: {ex}", RNS.LOG_ERROR) def receive(self, raw: bytes): try: envelope = Envelope(outlet=self._outlet, raw=raw) with self._lock: message = envelope.unpack(self._message_factories) is_new = self.emplace_envelope(envelope, self._rx_ring) self.prune_rx_ring() if not is_new: RNS.log("Channel: Duplicate message received", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) return RNS.log(f"Message received: {message}", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) threading.Thread(target=self._run_callbacks, name="Message Callback", args=[message], daemon=True).start() except Exception as ex: RNS.log(f"Channel: Error receiving data: {ex}") def is_ready_to_send(self) -> bool: if not self._outlet.is_usable: RNS.log("Channel: Link is not usable.", RNS.LOG_EXTREME) return False with self._lock: for envelope in self._tx_ring: if envelope.outlet == self._outlet and (not envelope.packet or self._outlet.get_packet_state(envelope.packet) == MessageState.MSGSTATE_SENT): RNS.log("Channel: Link has a pending message.", RNS.LOG_EXTREME) return False return True def _packet_tx_op(self, packet: TPacket, op: Callable[[TPacket], bool]): with self._lock: envelope = next(filter(lambda e: self._outlet.get_packet_id(e.packet) == self._outlet.get_packet_id(packet), self._tx_ring), None) if envelope and op(envelope): envelope.tracked = False if envelope in self._tx_ring: self._tx_ring.remove(envelope) else: RNS.log("Channel: Envelope not found in TX ring", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if not envelope: RNS.log("Channel: Spurious message received.", RNS.LOG_EXTREME) def _packet_delivered(self, packet: TPacket): self._packet_tx_op(packet, lambda env: True) def _packet_timeout(self, packet: TPacket): def retry_envelope(envelope: Envelope) -> bool: if envelope.tries >= self._max_tries: RNS.log("Channel: Retry count exceeded, tearing down Link.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) self.shutdown() # start on separate thread? self._outlet.timed_out() return True envelope.tries += 1 self._outlet.resend(envelope.packet) return False self._packet_tx_op(packet, retry_envelope) def send(self, message: MessageBase) -> Envelope: envelope: Envelope | None = None with self._lock: if not self.is_ready_to_send(): raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_LINK_NOT_READY, f"Link is not ready") envelope = Envelope(self._outlet, message=message, sequence=self._next_sequence) self._next_sequence = (self._next_sequence + 1) % 0x10000 self.emplace_envelope(envelope, self._tx_ring) if envelope is None: raise BlockingIOError() envelope.pack() if len(envelope.raw) > self._outlet.mdu: raise ChannelException(CEType.ME_TOO_BIG, f"Packed message too big for packet: {len(envelope.raw)} > {self._outlet.mdu}") envelope.packet = self._outlet.send(envelope.raw) envelope.tries += 1 self._outlet.set_packet_delivered_callback(envelope.packet, self._packet_delivered) self._outlet.set_packet_timeout_callback(envelope.packet, self._packet_timeout) return envelope @property def MDU(self): return self._outlet.mdu - 6 # sizeof(msgtype) + sizeof(length) + sizeof(sequence) class LinkChannelOutlet(ChannelOutletBase): def __init__(self, link: RNS.Link): = link def send(self, raw: bytes) -> RNS.Packet: packet = RNS.Packet(, raw, context=RNS.Packet.CHANNEL) packet.send() return packet def resend(self, packet: RNS.Packet) -> RNS.Packet: if not packet.resend(): RNS.log("Failed to resend packet", RNS.LOG_ERROR) return packet @property def mdu(self): return @property def rtt(self): return @property def is_usable(self): return True # had issues looking at Link.status def get_packet_state(self, packet: TPacket) -> MessageState: status = packet.receipt.get_status() if status == RNS.PacketReceipt.SENT: return MessageState.MSGSTATE_SENT if status == RNS.PacketReceipt.DELIVERED: return MessageState.MSGSTATE_DELIVERED if status == RNS.PacketReceipt.FAILED: return MessageState.MSGSTATE_FAILED else: raise Exception(f"Unexpected receipt state: {status}") def timed_out(self): def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})" def set_packet_timeout_callback(self, packet: RNS.Packet, callback: Callable[[RNS.Packet], None] | None, timeout: float | None = None): if timeout: packet.receipt.set_timeout(timeout) def inner(receipt: RNS.PacketReceipt): callback(packet) packet.receipt.set_timeout_callback(inner if callback else None) def set_packet_delivered_callback(self, packet: RNS.Packet, callback: Callable[[RNS.Packet], None] | None): def inner(receipt: RNS.PacketReceipt): callback(packet) packet.receipt.set_delivery_callback(inner if callback else None) def get_packet_id(self, packet: RNS.Packet) -> any: return packet.get_hash()