from .Interface import Interface import socketserver import threading import socket import time import sys import RNS class UDPInterface(Interface): @staticmethod def get_address_for_if(name): import importlib if importlib.util.find_spec('netifaces') != None: import netifaces return netifaces.ifaddresses(name)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] else: RNS.log("Getting interface addresses from device names requires the netifaces module.", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("You can install it with the command: python3 -m pip install netifaces", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.panic() @staticmethod def get_broadcast_for_if(name): import importlib if importlib.util.find_spec('netifaces') != None: import netifaces return netifaces.ifaddresses(name)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['broadcast'] else: RNS.log("Getting interface addresses from device names requires the netifaces module.", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("You can install it with the command: python3 -m pip install netifaces", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.panic() def __init__(self, owner, name, device=None, bindip=None, bindport=None, forwardip=None, forwardport=None): self.rxb = 0 self.txb = 0 self.IN = True self.OUT = False = name = False if device != None: if bindip == None: bindip = UDPInterface.get_broadcast_for_if(device) if forwardip == None: forwardip = UDPInterface.get_broadcast_for_if(device) if (bindip != None and bindport != None): self.receives = True self.bind_ip = bindip self.bind_port = bindport def handlerFactory(callback): def createHandler(*args, **keys): return UDPInterfaceHandler(callback, *args, **keys) return createHandler self.owner = owner address = (self.bind_ip, self.bind_port) self.server = socketserver.UDPServer(address, handlerFactory(self.processIncoming)) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() = True if (forwardip != None and forwardport != None): self.forwards = True self.forward_ip = forwardip self.forward_port = forwardport def processIncoming(self, data): self.rxb += len(data) self.owner.inbound(data, self) def processOutgoing(self,data): try: udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) udp_socket.sendto(data, (self.forward_ip, self.forward_port)) self.txb += len(data) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not transmit on "+str(self)+". The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def __str__(self): return "UDPInterface[""/"+self.bind_ip+":"+str(self.bind_port)+"]" class UDPInterfaceHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def __init__(self, callback, *args, **keys): self.callback = callback socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **keys) def handle(self): data = self.request[0] self.callback(data)