from .Interfaces import * import configparser from .vendor.configobj import ConfigObj import RNS import atexit import struct import array import os.path import os import RNS class Reticulum: """ This class is used to initialise access to Reticulum within a program. You must create exactly one instance of this class before carrying out any other RNS operations, such as creating destinations or sending traffic. Every independently executed program must create their own instance of the Reticulum class, but Reticulum will automatically handle inter-program communication on the same system, and expose all connected programs to external interfaces as well. As soon as an instance of this class is created, Reticulum will start opening and configuring any hardware devices specified in the supplied configuration. Currently the first running instance must be kept running while other local instances are connected, as the first created instance will act as a master instance that directly communicates with external hardware such as modems, TNCs and radios. If a master instance is asked to exit, it will not exit until all client processes have terminated (unless killed forcibly). If you are running Reticulum on a system with several different programs that use RNS starting and terminating at different times, it will be advantageous to run a master RNS instance as a daemon for other programs to use on demand. """ MTU = 500 HEADER_MAXSIZE = 23 MDU = MTU - HEADER_MAXSIZE router = None config = None configdir = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.reticulum" configpath = "" storagepath = "" cachepath = "" @staticmethod def exit_handler(): RNS.Transport.exitHandler() RNS.Identity.exitHandler() def __init__(self,configdir=None): """ Initialises and starts a Reticulum instance. This must be done before any other operations, and Reticulum will not pass any traffic before being instantiated. :param configdir: Full path to a Reticulum configuration directory. """ if configdir != None: Reticulum.configdir = configdir Reticulum.configpath = Reticulum.configdir+"/config" Reticulum.storagepath = Reticulum.configdir+"/storage" Reticulum.cachepath = Reticulum.configdir+"/storage/cache" Reticulum.resourcepath = Reticulum.configdir+"/storage/resources" Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted = False Reticulum.__transport_enabled = False Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = True self.local_interface_port = 37428 self.share_instance = True self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = False if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.storagepath): os.makedirs(Reticulum.storagepath) if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.cachepath): os.makedirs(Reticulum.cachepath) if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.resourcepath): os.makedirs(Reticulum.resourcepath) if os.path.isfile(self.configpath): try: self.config = ConfigObj(self.configpath) RNS.log("Configuration loaded from "+self.configpath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not parse the configuration at "+self.configpath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() else: RNS.log("Could not load config file, creating default configuration file...") self.__create_default_config() RNS.log("Default config file created. Make any necessary changes in "+Reticulum.configdir+"/config and start Reticulum again.") RNS.log("Exiting now!") exit(1) self.__apply_config() RNS.Identity.loadKnownDestinations() RNS.Transport.start(self) atexit.register(Reticulum.exit_handler) def __start_local_interface(self): if self.share_instance: try: interface = LocalInterface.LocalServerInterface( RNS.Transport, self.local_interface_port ) interface.OUT = True RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) self.is_shared_instance = True RNS.log("Started shared instance interface: "+str(interface), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: try: interface = LocalInterface.LocalClientInterface( RNS.Transport, "Local shared instance", self.local_interface_port) interface.target_port = self.local_interface_port interface.OUT = True RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = False self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = True RNS.log("Connected to local shared instance via: "+str(interface), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Local shared instance appears to be running, but it could not be connected", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = True self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False else: self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = True self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False def __apply_config(self): if "logging" in self.config: for option in self.config["logging"]: value = self.config["logging"][option] if option == "loglevel": RNS.loglevel = int(value) if RNS.loglevel < 0: RNS.loglevel = 0 if RNS.loglevel > 7: RNS.loglevel = 7 if "reticulum" in self.config: for option in self.config["reticulum"]: value = self.config["reticulum"][option] if option == "share_instance": value = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) self.share_instance = value if option == "shared_instance_port": value = int(self.config["reticulum"][option]) self.local_interface_port = value if option == "enable_transport": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: Reticulum.__transport_enabled = True if option == "use_implicit_proof": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = True if v == False: Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = False if option == "allow_unencrypted": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("Danger! Encryptionless links have been allowed in the config file!", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("Beware of the consequences! Any data sent over a link can potentially be intercepted,", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("read and modified! If you are not absolutely sure that you want this,", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("you should exit Reticulum NOW and change your config file!", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted = True self.__start_local_interface() if self.is_shared_instance or self.is_standalone_instance: interface_names = [] for name in self.config["interfaces"]: if not name in interface_names: c = self.config["interfaces"][name] try: if ("interface_enabled" in c) and c.as_bool("interface_enabled") == True: if c["type"] == "UDPInterface": interface = UDPInterface.UDPInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["listen_ip"], int(c["listen_port"]), c["forward_ip"], int(c["forward_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "TCPServerInterface": interface = TCPInterface.TCPServerInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["listen_ip"], int(c["listen_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "TCPClientInterface": interface = TCPInterface.TCPClientInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["target_host"], int(c["target_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "SerialInterface": port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = SerialInterface.SerialInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "KISSInterface": preamble = int(c["preamble"]) if "preamble" in c else None txtail = int(c["txtail"]) if "txtail" in c else None persistence = int(c["persistence"]) if "persistence" in c else None slottime = int(c["slottime"]) if "slottime" in c else None flow_control = c.as_bool("flow_control") if "flow_control" in c else False port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 beacon_interval = int(c["id_interval"]) if "id_interval" in c else None beacon_data = c["id_callsign"] if "id_callsign" in c else None if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = KISSInterface.KISSInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits, preamble, txtail, persistence, slottime, flow_control, beacon_interval, beacon_data ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "AX25KISSInterface": preamble = int(c["preamble"]) if "preamble" in c else None txtail = int(c["txtail"]) if "txtail" in c else None persistence = int(c["persistence"]) if "persistence" in c else None slottime = int(c["slottime"]) if "slottime" in c else None flow_control = c.as_bool("flow_control") if "flow_control" in c else False port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 callsign = c["callsign"] if "callsign" in c else "" ssid = int(c["ssid"]) if "ssid" in c else -1 if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = AX25KISSInterface.AX25KISSInterface( RNS.Transport, name, callsign, ssid, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits, preamble, txtail, persistence, slottime, flow_control ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "RNodeInterface": frequency = int(c["frequency"]) if "frequency" in c else None bandwidth = int(c["bandwidth"]) if "bandwidth" in c else None txpower = int(c["txpower"]) if "txpower" in c else None spreadingfactor = int(c["spreadingfactor"]) if "spreadingfactor" in c else None codingrate = int(c["codingrate"]) if "codingrate" in c else None flow_control = c.as_bool("flow_control") if "flow_control" in c else False id_interval = int(c["id_interval"]) if "id_interval" in c else None id_callsign = c["id_callsign"] if "id_callsign" in c else None port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for RNode interface") interface = RNodeInterface.RNodeInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, frequency = frequency, bandwidth = bandwidth, txpower = txpower, sf = spreadingfactor, cr = codingrate, flow_control = flow_control, id_interval = id_interval, id_callsign = id_callsign ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) else: RNS.log("Skipping disabled interface \""+name+"\"", RNS.LOG_NOTICE) except Exception as e: RNS.log("The interface \""+name+"\" could not be created. Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() else: RNS.log("The interface name \""+name+"\" was already used. Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() def __create_default_config(self): self.config = ConfigObj(__default_rns_config__) self.config.filename = Reticulum.configpath if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.configdir): os.makedirs(Reticulum.configdir) self.config.write() self.__apply_config() @staticmethod def should_allow_unencrypted(): """ Query whether unencrypted links are allowed by the current configuration. :returns: True if the current running configuration allows downgrading links to plaintext. False if not. """ return Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted @staticmethod def should_use_implicit_proof(): """ Query whether proofs sent are explicit or implicit. :returns: True if the current running configuration specifies to use implicit proofs. False if not. """ return Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof @staticmethod def transport_enabled(): """ Query whether Transport is enabled for the running instance. When Transport is enabled, Reticulum will route traffic for other peers, respond to path requests and pass announces over the network. :returns: True if Transport is enabled, False if not. """ return Reticulum.__transport_enabled # Default configuration file: __default_rns_config__ = '''# This is the default Reticulum config file. # You should probably edit it to include any additional, # interfaces and settings you might need. [reticulum] # Don't allow unencrypted links by default. # If you REALLY need to allow unencrypted links, for example # for debug or regulatory purposes, this can be set to true. # This directive is optional and can be removed for brevity. allow_unencrypted = False # If you enable Transport, your system will route traffic # for other peers, pass announces and serve path requests. # Unless you really know what you're doing, this should be # done only for systems that are suited to act as transport # nodes, ie. if they are stationary and always-on. This # directive is optional and can be removed for brevity. enable_transport = False # By default, the first program to launch the Reticulum # Network Stack will create a shared instance, that other # programs can communicate with. Only the shared instance # opens all the configured interfaces directly, and other # local programs communicate with the shared instance over # a local socket. This is completely transparent to the # user, and should generally be turned on. This directive # is optional and can be removed for brevity. share_instance = Yes # If you want to run multiple *different* shared instances # on the same system, you will need to specify a different # shared instance port for each. The default is given below, # and again, this option is optional and can be left out. shared_instance_port = 37428 [logging] # Valid log levels are 0 through 7: # 0: Log only critical information # 1: Log errors and lower log levels # 2: Log warnings and lower log levels # 3: Log notices and lower log levels # 4: Log info and lower (this is the default) # 5: Verbose logging # 6: Debug logging # 7: Extreme logging loglevel = 4 # The interfaces section defines the physical and virtual # interfaces Reticulum will use to communicate on. This # section will contain examples for a variety of interface # types. You can modify these or use them as a basis for # your own config, or simply remove the unused ones. [interfaces] # This interface enables communication with other # Reticulum nodes on your local ethernet networks. # It's enabled by default, and provides basic # connectivity to other peers in your local ethernet # broadcast domain. You can modify it to suit your # needs or turn it off completely. [[Default UDP Interface]] type = UDPInterface interface_enabled = True outgoing = True listen_ip = listen_port = 4242 forward_ip = forward_port = 4242 # This example demonstrates a TCP server interface. # It will listen for incoming connections on the # specified IP address and port number. [[TCP Server Interface]] type = TCPServerInterface interface_enabled = False outgoing = True listen_ip = listen_port = 4242 # To connect to a TCP server interface, you would # naturally use the TCP client interface. Here's # an example. The target_host can either be an IP # address or a hostname [[TCP Client Interface]] type = TCPClientInterface interface_enabled = False outgoing = True target_host = target_port = 4242 # Here's an example of how to add a LoRa interface # using the RNode LoRa transceiver. [[RNode LoRa Interface]] type = RNodeInterface # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. Setting # this to false will create a listen- # only interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB0 # Set frequency to 867.2 MHz frequency = 867200000 # Set LoRa bandwidth to 125 KHz bandwidth = 125000 # Set TX power to 7 dBm (5 mW) txpower = 7 # Select spreading factor 8. Valid # range is 7 through 12, with 7 # being the fastest and 12 having # the longest range. spreadingfactor = 8 # Select coding rate 5. Valid range # is 5 throough 8, with 5 being the # fastest, and 8 the longest range. codingrate = 5 # You can configure the RNode to send # out identification on the channel with # a set interval by configuring the # following two parameters. The trans- # ceiver will only ID if the set # interval has elapsed since it's last # actual transmission. The interval is # configured in seconds. # This option is commented out and not # used by default. # id_callsign = MYCALL-0 # id_interval = 600 # For certain homebrew RNode interfaces # with low amounts of RAM, using packet # flow control can be useful. By default # it is disabled. flow_control = False # An example KISS modem interface. Useful for running # Reticulum over packet radio hardware. [[Packet Radio KISS Interface]] type = KISSInterface # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB1 # Set the serial baud-rate and other # configuration parameters. speed = 115200 databits = 8 parity = none stopbits = 1 # Set the modem preamble. A 150ms # preamble should be a reasonable # default, but may need to be # increased for radios with slow- # opening squelch and long TX/RX # turnaround preamble = 150 # Set the modem TX tail. In most # cases this should be kept as low # as possible to not waste airtime. txtail = 10 # Configure CDMA parameters. These # settings are reasonable defaults. persistence = 200 slottime = 20 # You can configure the interface to send # out identification on the channel with # a set interval by configuring the # following two parameters. The KISS # interface will only ID if the set # interval has elapsed since it's last # actual transmission. The interval is # configured in seconds. # This option is commented out and not # used by default. # id_callsign = MYCALL-0 # id_interval = 600 # Whether to use KISS flow-control. # This is useful for modems that have # a small internal packet buffer, but # support packet flow control instead. flow_control = false # If you're using Reticulum on amateur radio spectrum, # you might want to use the AX.25 KISS interface. This # way, Reticulum will automatically encapsulate it's # traffic in AX.25 and also identify your stations # transmissions with your callsign and SSID. # # Only do this if you really need to! Reticulum doesn't # need the AX.25 layer for anything, and it incurs extra # overhead on every packet to encapsulate in AX.25. # # A more efficient way is to use the plain KISS interface # with the beaconing functionality described above. [[Packet Radio AX.25 KISS Interface]] type = AX25KISSInterface # Set the station callsign and SSID callsign = NO1CLL ssid = 0 # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB2 # Set the serial baud-rate and other # configuration parameters. speed = 115200 databits = 8 parity = none stopbits = 1 # Whether to use KISS flow-control. # This is useful for modems with a # small internal packet buffer. flow_control = false # Set the modem preamble. A 150ms # preamble should be a reasonable # default, but may need to be # increased for radios with slow- # opening squelch and long TX/RX # turnaround preamble = 150 # Set the modem TX tail. In most # cases this should be kept as low # as possible to not waste airtime. txtail = 10 # Configure CDMA parameters. These # settings are reasonable defaults. persistence = 200 slottime = 20 '''.splitlines()