from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF from cryptography.fernet import Fernet import vendor.umsgpack as umsgpack import base64 import time import RNS import traceback class LinkCallbacks: def __init__(self): self.link_established = None self.link_closed = None self.packet = None self.resource_started = None self.resource_concluded = None class Link: CURVE = ec.SECP256R1() ECPUBSIZE = 91 BLOCKSIZE = 16 PENDING = 0x00 HANDSHAKE = 0x01 ACTIVE = 0x02 STALE = 0x03 CLOSED = 0x04 ACCEPT_NONE = 0x00 ACCEPT_APP = 0x01 ACCEPT_ALL = 0x02 resource_strategies = [ACCEPT_NONE, ACCEPT_APP, ACCEPT_ALL] @staticmethod def validateRequest(owner, data, packet): if len(data) == (Link.ECPUBSIZE): try: link = Link(owner = owner, peer_pub_bytes = data[:Link.ECPUBSIZE]) link.setLinkID(packet) RNS.log("Validating link request "+RNS.prettyhexrep(link.link_id), RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) link.handshake() link.attached_interface = packet.receiving_interface link.prove() link.request_time = time.time() RNS.Transport.registerLink(link) if link.owner.callbacks.link_established != None: link.owner.callbacks.link_established(link) RNS.log("Incoming link request "+str(link)+" accepted", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Validating link request failed", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) traceback.print_exc() return None else: RNS.log("Invalid link request payload size, dropping request", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) return None def __init__(self, destination=None, owner=None, peer_pub_bytes = None): if destination != None and destination.type != RNS.Destination.SINGLE: raise TypeError("Links can only be established to the \"single\" destination type") self.rtt = None self.callbacks = LinkCallbacks() self.resource_strategy = Link.ACCEPT_NONE self.outgoing_resources = [] self.incoming_resources = [] self.status = Link.PENDING self.type = RNS.Destination.LINK self.owner = owner self.destination = destination self.attached_interface = None self.__encryption_disabled = False if self.destination == None: self.initiator = False else: self.initiator = True self.prv = ec.generate_private_key(Link.CURVE, default_backend()) = self.prv.public_key() self.pub_bytes = encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ) if peer_pub_bytes == None: self.peer_pub = None self.peer_pub_bytes = None else: self.loadPeer(peer_pub_bytes) if (self.initiator): self.request_data = self.pub_bytes self.packet = RNS.Packet(destination, self.request_data, packet_type=RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST) self.packet.pack() self.setLinkID(self.packet) RNS.Transport.registerLink(self) self.request_time = time.time() self.packet.send() RNS.log("Link request "+RNS.prettyhexrep(self.link_id)+" sent to "+str(self.destination), RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) def loadPeer(self, peer_pub_bytes): self.peer_pub_bytes = peer_pub_bytes self.peer_pub = serialization.load_der_public_key(peer_pub_bytes, backend=default_backend()) self.peer_pub.curce = Link.CURVE def setLinkID(self, packet): self.link_id = RNS.Identity.truncatedHash(packet.raw) self.hash = self.link_id def handshake(self): self.status = Link.HANDSHAKE self.shared_key =, self.peer_pub) self.derived_key = HKDF( algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=32, salt=self.getSalt(), info=self.getContext(), backend=default_backend() ).derive(self.shared_key) def prove(self): signed_data = self.link_id+self.pub_bytes signature = self.owner.identity.sign(signed_data) proof_data = self.pub_bytes+signature proof = RNS.Packet(self, proof_data, packet_type=RNS.Packet.PROOF, context=RNS.Packet.LRPROOF) proof.send() def validateProof(self, packet): peer_pub_bytes =[:Link.ECPUBSIZE] signed_data = self.link_id+peer_pub_bytes signature =[Link.ECPUBSIZE:RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE/8+Link.ECPUBSIZE] if self.destination.identity.validate(signature, signed_data): self.loadPeer(peer_pub_bytes) self.handshake() self.rtt = time.time() - self.request_time self.attached_interface = packet.receiving_interface RNS.Transport.activateLink(self) RNS.log("Link "+str(self)+" established with "+str(self.destination)+", RTT is "+str(self.rtt), RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) rtt_data = umsgpack.packb(self.rtt) rtt_packet = RNS.Packet(self, rtt_data, context=RNS.Packet.LRRTT) rtt_packet.send() self.status = Link.ACTIVE if self.callbacks.link_established != None: self.callbacks.link_established(self) else: RNS.log("Invalid link proof signature received by "+str(self), RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) # TODO: should we really do this, or just wait # for a valid one? Needs analysis. self.teardown() def rtt_packet(self, packet): try: # TODO: This is crude, we should use the delta # to model a more representative per-bit round # trip time, and use that to set a sensible RTT # expectancy for the link. This will have to do # for now though. measured_rtt = time.time() - self.request_time plaintext = self.decrypt( rtt = umsgpack.unpackb(plaintext) #RNS.log("Measured RTT is "+str(measured_rtt)+", received RTT is "+str(rtt)) self.rtt = max(measured_rtt, rtt) self.status = Link.ACTIVE except Exception as e: self.teardown() def getSalt(self): return self.link_id def getContext(self): return None def teardown(self): if self.status != Link.PENDING: teardown_packet = RNS.Packet(self, self.link_id, context=RNS.Packet.LINKCLOSE) teardown_packet.send() self.status = Link.CLOSED self.link_closed() def teardown_packet(self, packet): try: plaintext = self.decrypt( if plaintext == self.link_id: self.status = Link.CLOSED self.link_closed() except Exception as e: pass def link_closed(self): self.prv = None = None self.pub_bytes = None self.shared_key = None self.derived_key = None if self.callbacks.link_closed != None: self.callbacks.link_closed(self) def receive(self, packet): if not self.status == Link.CLOSED: if packet.receiving_interface != self.attached_interface: RNS.log("Link-associated packet received on unexpected interface! Someone might be trying to manipulate your communication!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) else: if packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.DATA: if packet.context == RNS.Packet.NONE: plaintext = self.decrypt( if (self.callbacks.packet != None): self.callbacks.packet(plaintext, packet) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.LRRTT: if not self.initiator: self.rtt_packet(packet) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.LINKCLOSE: self.teardown_packet(packet) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_ADV: packet.plaintext = self.decrypt( if self.resource_strategy == Link.ACCEPT_NONE: pass elif self.resource_strategy == Link.ACCEPT_APP: if self.callbacks.resource != None: self.callbacks.resource(packet) elif self.resource_strategy == Link.ACCEPT_ALL: RNS.Resource.accept(packet, self.callbacks.resource_concluded) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_REQ: plaintext = self.decrypt( if ord(plaintext[:1]) == RNS.Resource.HASHMAP_IS_EXHAUSTED: resource_hash = plaintext[1+RNS.Resource.MAPHASH_LEN:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8+1+RNS.Resource.MAPHASH_LEN] else: resource_hash = plaintext[1:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8+1] for resource in self.outgoing_resources: if resource.hash == resource_hash: resource.request(plaintext) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_HMU: plaintext = self.decrypt( resource_hash = plaintext[:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8] for resource in self.incoming_resources: if resource_hash == resource.hash: resource.hashmap_update_packet(plaintext) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_ICL: plaintext = self.decrypt( resource_hash = plaintext[:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8] for resource in self.incoming_resources: if resource_hash == resource.hash: resource.cancel() # TODO: find the most efficient way to allow multiple # transfers at the same time, sending resource hash on # each packet is a huge overhead. Probably some kind # of hash -> sequence map elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE: for resource in self.incoming_resources: resource.receive_part(packet) elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.PROOF: if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: resource_hash =[0:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8] for resource in self.outgoing_resources: if resource_hash == resource.hash: resource.validateProof( def encrypt(self, plaintext): if self.__encryption_disabled: return plaintext try: fernet = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.derived_key)) ciphertext = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(fernet.encrypt(plaintext)) return ciphertext except Exception as e: RNS.log("Encryption on link "+str(self)+" failed. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def decrypt(self, ciphertext): if self.__encryption_disabled: return ciphertext try: fernet = Fernet(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.derived_key)) plaintext = fernet.decrypt(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(ciphertext)) return plaintext except Exception as e: RNS.log("Decryption failed on link "+str(self)+". The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def link_established_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.link_established = callback def link_closed_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.link_closed = callback def packet_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.packet = callback # Called when an incoming resource transfer is started def resource_started_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.resource_started = callback # Called when a resource transfer is concluded def resource_concluded_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.resource_concluded = callback def setResourceStrategy(self, resource_strategy): if not resource_strategy in Link.resource_strategies: raise TypeError("Unsupported resource strategy") else: self.resource_strategy = resource_strategy def register_outgoing_resource(self, resource): self.outgoing_resources.append(resource) def register_incoming_resource(self, resource): self.incoming_resources.append(resource) def cancel_outgoing_resource(self, resource): if resource in self.outgoing_resources: self.outgoing_resources.remove(resource) else: RNS.log("Attempt to cancel a non-existing incoming resource", RNS.LOG_ERROR) def cancel_incoming_resource(self, resource): if resource in self.incoming_resources: self.incoming_resources.remove(resource) else: RNS.log("Attempt to cancel a non-existing incoming resource", RNS.LOG_ERROR) def ready_for_new_resource(self): if len(self.outgoing_resources) > 0: return False else: return True def disableEncryption(self): if (RNS.Reticulum.should_allow_unencrypted()): RNS.log("The link "+str(self)+" was downgraded to an encryptionless link", RNS.LOG_NOTICE) self.__encryption_disabled = True else: RNS.log("Attempt to disable encryption on link, but encryptionless links are not allowed by config.", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("Shutting down Reticulum now!", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.panic() def encryption_disabled(self): return self.__encryption_disabled def __str__(self): return RNS.prettyhexrep(self.link_id)