import logging import asyncio import argparse from . import sam from . import aiosam from . import utils from .log import logger BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 async def proxy_data(reader, writer): """Proxy data from reader to writer""" try: while True: data = await if not data: break writer.write(data) except Exception as e: logger.debug('proxy_data_task exception {}'.format(e)) finally: try: writer.close() except RuntimeError: pass logger.debug('close connection') class I2PTunnel(object): """Base I2P Tunnel object, not to be used directly :param local_address: A local address to use for a tunnel. E.g. ("", 6668) :param destination: (optional) Destination to use for this tunnel. Can be a base64 encoded string, :class:`Destination` instance or None. A new destination is created when it is None. :param session_name: (optional) Session nick name. A new session nickname is generated if not specified. :param options: (optional) A dict object with i2cp options :param loop: (optional) Event loop instance :param sam_address: (optional) SAM API address """ def __init__(self, local_address, destination=None, session_name=None, options={}, loop=None, sam_address=sam.DEFAULT_ADDRESS): self.local_address = local_address self.destination = destination self.session_name = session_name or utils.generate_session_id() self.options = options self.loop = loop self.sam_address = sam_address async def _pre_run(self): if not self.destination: self.destination = await aiosam.new_destination( sam_address=self.sam_address, loop=self.loop) _, self.session_writer = await aiosam.create_session( self.session_name,, options=self.options, sam_address=self.sam_address, loop=self.loop, destination=self.destination) def stop(self): """Stop the tunnel""" self.session_writer.close() class ClientTunnel(I2PTunnel): """Client tunnel, a subclass of tunnel.I2PTunnel If you run a client tunnel with a local address ("", 6668) and a remote destination "irc.echelon.i2p", all connections to will be proxied to irc.echelon.i2p. :param remote_destination: Remote I2P destination, can be either .i2p domain, .b32.i2p address, base64 destination or :class:`Destination` instance """ def __init__(self, remote_destination, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "STREAM" self.remote_destination = remote_destination async def run(self): """A coroutine used to run the tunnel""" await self._pre_run() self.status = { "setup_ran": False, "setup_failed": False, "exception": None } async def handle_client(client_reader, client_writer): """Handle local client connection""" try: remote_reader, remote_writer = await aiosam.stream_connect( self.session_name, self.remote_destination, sam_address=self.sam_address, loop=self.loop) asyncio.ensure_future(proxy_data(remote_reader, client_writer), loop=self.loop) asyncio.ensure_future(proxy_data(client_reader, remote_writer), loop=self.loop) except Exception as e: self.status["setup_ran"] = True self.status["setup_failed"] = True self.status["exception"] = e self.server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_client, *self.local_address, loop=self.loop) self.status["setup_ran"] = True def stop(self): super().stop() self.server.close() class ServerTunnel(I2PTunnel): """Server tunnel, a subclass of tunnel.I2PTunnel If you want to expose a local service to the I2P network, run a server tunnel with a local address ("", 80). If you don't provide a private key or a session name, it will use a TRANSIENT destination. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "STREAM" async def run(self): """A coroutine used to run the tunnel""" await self._pre_run() async def handle_client(incoming, client_reader, client_writer): # data and dest may come in one chunk dest, data = incoming.split(b"\n", 1) remote_destination = sam.Destination(dest.decode()) logger.debug("{} client connected: {}.b32.i2p".format( self.session_name, remote_destination.base32)) try: remote_reader, remote_writer = await asyncio.wait_for( asyncio.open_connection( host=self.local_address[0], port=self.local_address[1], loop=self.loop), timeout=5, loop=self.loop) if data: remote_writer.write(data) asyncio.ensure_future(proxy_data(remote_reader, client_writer), loop=self.loop) asyncio.ensure_future(proxy_data(client_reader, remote_writer), loop=self.loop) except ConnectionRefusedError: client_writer.close() async def server_loop(): try: while True: client_reader, client_writer = await aiosam.stream_accept( self.session_name, sam_address=self.sam_address, loop=self.loop) incoming = await asyncio.ensure_future(handle_client( incoming, client_reader, client_writer), loop=self.loop) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass self.server_loop = asyncio.ensure_future(server_loop(), loop=self.loop) def stop(self): super().stop() self.server_loop.cancel() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('type', metavar="TYPE", choices=('server', 'client'), help="Tunnel type (server or client)") parser.add_argument('address', metavar="ADDRESS", help="Local address (e.g.") parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='Debugging') parser.add_argument('--key', '-k', default='', metavar='PRIVATE_KEY', help='Path to private key file') parser.add_argument('--destination', '-D', default='', metavar='DESTINATION', help='Remote destination') args = parser.parse_args() SAM_ADDRESS = utils.get_sam_address() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_debug(args.debug) if args.key: destination = sam.Destination(path=args.key, has_private_key=True) else: destination = None local_address = utils.address_from_string(args.address) if args.type == "client": tunnel = ClientTunnel(args.destination, local_address, loop=loop, destination=destination, sam_address=SAM_ADDRESS) elif args.type == "server": tunnel = ServerTunnel(local_address, loop=loop, destination=destination, sam_address=SAM_ADDRESS) asyncio.ensure_future(, loop=loop) try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: tunnel.stop() finally: loop.stop() loop.close()