import os import RNS import time import math import threading import traceback from time import sleep import vendor.umsgpack as umsgpack class Transport: # Constants BROADCAST = 0x00; TRANSPORT = 0x01; RELAY = 0x02; TUNNEL = 0x03; types = [BROADCAST, TRANSPORT, RELAY, TUNNEL] REACHABILITY_UNREACHABLE = 0x00 REACHABILITY_DIRECT = 0x01 REACHABILITY_TRANSPORT = 0x02 PATHFINDER_M = 18 # Max hops PATHFINDER_C = 2.0 # Decay constant PATHFINDER_R = 2 # Retransmit retries PATHFINDER_T = 10 # Retry grace period interfaces = [] # All active interfaces destinations = [] # All active destinations pending_links = [] # Links that are being established active_links = [] # Links that are active packet_hashlist = [] # A list of packet hashes for duplicate detection receipts = [] # Receipts of all outgoing packets for proof processing announce_table = {} destination_table = {} jobs_locked = False jobs_running = False job_interval = 0.250 receipts_last_checked = 0.0 receipts_check_interval = 1.0 announces_last_checked = 0.0 announces_check_interval = 1.0 hashlist_maxsize = 1000000 identity = None @staticmethod def start(): if Transport.identity == None: transport_identity_path = RNS.Reticulum.configdir+"/transportidentity" if os.path.isfile(transport_identity_path): Transport.identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(transport_identity_path) if Transport.identity == None: RNS.log("No valid Transport Identity on disk, creating...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) Transport.identity = RNS.Identity() else: RNS.log("Loaded Transport Identity from disk", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) packet_hashlist_path = RNS.Reticulum.configdir+"/packet_hashlist" if os.path.isfile(packet_hashlist_path): try: file = open(packet_hashlist_path, "r") Transport.packet_hashlist = umsgpack.unpackb( file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load packet hashlist from disk, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) thread = threading.Thread(target=Transport.jobloop) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() RNS.log("Transport instance "+str(Transport.identity)+" started") @staticmethod def jobloop(): while (True): sleep(Transport.job_interval) @staticmethod def jobs(): outgoing = [] Transport.jobs_running = True try: if not Transport.jobs_locked: # Process receipts list for timed-out packets if time.time() > Transport.receipts_last_checked+Transport.receipts_check_interval: for receipt in Transport.receipts: thread = threading.Thread(target=receipt.check_timeout) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() if receipt.status != RNS.PacketReceipt.SENT: Transport.receipts.remove(receipt) Transport.receipts_last_checked = time.time() # Process announces needing retransmission if time.time() > Transport.announces_last_checked+Transport.announces_check_interval: for destination_hash in Transport.announce_table: announce_entry = Transport.announce_table[destination_hash] # TODO: remove comment and log output # [time_heard, retransmit_timeout, retries, received_from, packet.hops, packet] # RNS.log("Announce entry retries: "+str(announce_entry[2]), RNS.LOG_INFO) # RNS.log("Max retries: "+str(Transport.PATHFINDER_R), RNS.LOG_INFO) if announce_entry[2] > Transport.PATHFINDER_R: # RNS.log("Removing due to exceeded retries", RNS.LOG_INFO) Transport.announce_table.pop(destination_hash) break else: if time.time() > announce_entry[1]: # RNS.log("Rebroadcasting announce", RNS.LOG_INFO) announce_entry[1] = time.time() + math.pow(Transport.PATHFINDER_C, announce_entry[4]) + Transport.PATHFINDER_T announce_entry[2] += 1 packet = announce_entry[5] announce_data = announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash) announce_destination = RNS.Destination(announce_identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, "unknown", "unknown"); announce_destination.hash = packet.destination_hash announce_destination.hexhash = announce_destination.hash.encode("hex_codec") new_packet = RNS.Packet(announce_destination, announce_data, RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_2, transport_type = Transport.TRANSPORT, transport_id = Transport.identity.hash) new_packet.hops = announce_entry[4] RNS.log("Rebroadcasting announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(announce_destination.hash)+" with hop count "+str(new_packet.hops), RNS.LOG_INFO) outgoing.append(new_packet) Transport.announces_last_checked = time.time() # Cull the packet hashlist if it has reached max size while (len(Transport.packet_hashlist) > Transport.hashlist_maxsize): Transport.packet_hashlist.pop(0) except Exception as e: RNS.log("An exception occurred while running Transport jobs.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) traceback.print_exc() Transport.jobs_running = False for packet in outgoing: packet.send() @staticmethod def outbound(packet): while (Transport.jobs_running): sleep(0.01) Transport.jobs_locked = True packet.updateHash() sent = False for interface in Transport.interfaces: if interface.OUT: should_transmit = True if packet.destination.type == RNS.Destination.LINK: if packet.destination.status == RNS.Link.CLOSED: should_transmit = False if interface != packet.destination.attached_interface: should_transmit = False if should_transmit: # TODO: Remove RNS.log("Transmitting "+str(len(packet.raw))+" bytes via: "+str(interface), RNS.LOG_EXTREME) RNS.log("Hash is "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.packet_hash), RNS.LOG_EXTREME) interface.processOutgoing(packet.raw) sent = True if sent: packet.sent = True packet.sent_at = time.time() if (packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.DATA): packet.receipt = RNS.PacketReceipt(packet) Transport.receipts.append(packet.receipt) Transport.cache(packet) Transport.jobs_locked = False return sent @staticmethod def packet_filter(packet): # TODO: Think long and hard about this if packet.context == RNS.Packet.KEEPALIVE: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_REQ: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: return True if not packet.packet_hash in Transport.packet_hashlist: return True return False @staticmethod def inbound(raw, interface=None): while (Transport.jobs_running): sleep(0.1) Transport.jobs_locked = True packet = RNS.Packet(None, raw) packet.unpack() packet.updateHash() packet.receiving_interface = interface RNS.log(str(interface)+" received packet with hash "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.packet_hash), RNS.LOG_EXTREME) # TODO: Rewrite these redundant cache calls if Transport.packet_filter(packet): Transport.packet_hashlist.append(packet.packet_hash) if packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE: if RNS.Identity.validateAnnounce(packet): if (packet.transport_id != None): received_from = packet.transport_id # Check if this is a next retransmission from # another node. If it is, we're removing the # announcein question from our pending table if packet.destination_hash in Transport.announce_table: announce_entry = Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] if packet.hops == announce_entry[4]+1 and announce_entry[2] > 0: now = time.time() if now < announce_entry[2]: # TODO: Remove RNS.log("Another node retransmitted our transported announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash)+", removing it from pending table", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.announce_table.pop(announce_entry) else: received_from = packet.destination_hash # If the announce has not reached the retransmission # limit, insert it into our pending table packet.hops += 1 if (packet.hops < Transport.PATHFINDER_M+1): now = time.time() retransmit_timeout = now + math.pow(Transport.PATHFINDER_C, packet.hops) retries = 0 Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] = [now, retransmit_timeout, retries, received_from, packet.hops, packet] Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash] = [now, received_from, packet.hops] elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST: for destination in Transport.destinations: if destination.hash == packet.destination_hash and destination.type == packet.destination_type: packet.destination = destination destination.receive(packet) Transport.cache(packet) elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.DATA: if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.LINK: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: = link link.receive(packet) Transport.cache(packet) else: for destination in Transport.destinations: if destination.hash == packet.destination_hash and destination.type == packet.destination_type: packet.destination = destination destination.receive(packet) Transport.cache(packet) if destination.proof_strategy == RNS.Destination.PROVE_ALL: packet.prove() elif destination.proof_strategy == RNS.Destination.PROVE_APP: if destination.callbacks.proof_requested: if destination.callbacks.proof_requested(packet): packet.prove() elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.PROOF: if packet.context == RNS.Packet.LRPROOF: # This is a link request proof, forward # to a waiting link request for link in Transport.pending_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: link.validateProof(packet) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: link.receive(packet) else: if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.LINK: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: = link # plaintext = link.decrypt( # TODO: Make sure everything uses new proof handling if len( == RNS.PacketReceipt.EXPL_LENGTH: proof_hash =[:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8] else: proof_hash = None for receipt in Transport.receipts: receipt_validated = False if proof_hash != None: # Only test validation if hash matches if receipt.hash == proof_hash: receipt_validated = receipt.validateProofPacket(packet) else: # In case of an implicit proof, we have # to check every single outstanding receipt receipt_validated = receipt.validateProofPacket(packet) if receipt_validated: Transport.receipts.remove(receipt) Transport.jobs_locked = False @staticmethod def registerDestination(destination): destination.MTU = RNS.Reticulum.MTU if destination.direction == RNS.Destination.IN: Transport.destinations.append(destination) @staticmethod def registerLink(link): RNS.log("Registering link "+str(link), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if link.initiator: Transport.pending_links.append(link) else: Transport.active_links.append(link) @staticmethod def activateLink(link): RNS.log("Activating link "+str(link), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if link in Transport.pending_links: Transport.pending_links.remove(link) Transport.active_links.append(link) link.status = RNS.Link.ACTIVE else: RNS.log("Attempted to activate a link that was not in the pending table", RNS.LOG_ERROR) @staticmethod def shouldCache(packet): # TODO: Implement sensible rules for which # packets to cache if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: return True return False @staticmethod def cache(packet): if RNS.Transport.shouldCache(packet): try: packet_hash = RNS.hexrep(packet.getHash(), delimit=False) file = open(RNS.Reticulum.cachepath+"/"+packet_hash, "w") file.write(packet.raw) file.close() RNS.log("Wrote packet "+packet_hash+" to cache", RNS.LOG_EXTREME) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error writing packet to cache", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e)) @staticmethod def cache_request_packet(packet): if len( == RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8: packet_hash = RNS.hexrep(, delimit=False) # TODO: There's some pretty obvious file access # issues here. Make sure this can't happen path = RNS.Reticulum.cachepath+"/"+packet_hash if os.path.isfile(path): file = open(path, "r") raw = file.close() packet = RNS.Packet(None, raw) # TODO: Implement outbound for this @staticmethod def cache_request(packet_hash): RNS.log("Cache request for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet_hash), RNS.LOG_EXTREME) path = RNS.Reticulum.cachepath+"/"+RNS.hexrep(packet_hash, delimit=False) if os.path.isfile(path): file = open(path, "r") raw = Transport.inbound(raw) file.close() else: cache_request_packet = RNS.Packet(Transport.transport_destination(), packet_hash, context = RNS.Packet.CACHE_REQUEST) @staticmethod def transport_destination(): # TODO: implement this pass @staticmethod def exitHandler(): try: packet_hashlist_path = RNS.Reticulum.configdir+"/packet_hashlist" file = open(packet_hashlist_path, "w") file.write(umsgpack.packb(Transport.packet_hashlist)) file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not save packet hashlist to disk, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR)