from .Interfaces import * import configparser from .vendor.configobj import ConfigObj import RNS import atexit import struct import array import os.path import os import RNS #import traceback class Reticulum: MTU = 500 HEADER_MAXSIZE = 23 MDU = MTU - HEADER_MAXSIZE router = None config = None configdir = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.reticulum" configpath = "" storagepath = "" cachepath = "" @staticmethod def exit_handler(): RNS.Transport.exitHandler() RNS.Identity.exitHandler() def __init__(self,configdir=None): if configdir != None: Reticulum.configdir = configdir Reticulum.configpath = Reticulum.configdir+"/config" Reticulum.storagepath = Reticulum.configdir+"/storage" Reticulum.cachepath = Reticulum.configdir+"/storage/cache" Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted = False Reticulum.__transport_enabled = False Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = True self.local_interface_port = 37428 self.share_instance = True self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = False if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.storagepath): os.makedirs(Reticulum.storagepath) if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.cachepath): os.makedirs(Reticulum.cachepath) if os.path.isfile(self.configpath): try: self.config = ConfigObj(self.configpath) RNS.log("Configuration loaded from "+self.configpath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not parse the configuration at "+self.configpath, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() else: RNS.log("Could not load config file, creating default configuration file...") self.createDefaultConfig() RNS.log("Default config file created. Make any necessary changes in "+Reticulum.configdir+"/config and start Reticulum again.") RNS.log("Exiting now!") exit(1) self.applyConfig() RNS.Identity.loadKnownDestinations() RNS.Transport.start() atexit.register(Reticulum.exit_handler) def start_local_interface(self): if self.share_instance: try: interface = LocalInterface.LocalServerInterface( RNS.Transport, self.local_interface_port ) interface.OUT = True RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) self.is_shared_instance = True RNS.log("Started shared instance interface: "+str(interface), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: try: interface = LocalInterface.LocalClientInterface( RNS.Transport, "Local shared instance", self.local_interface_port) interface.target_port = self.local_interface_port interface.OUT = True RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = False self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = True RNS.log("Connected to local shared instance via: "+str(interface), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Local shared instance appears to be running, but it could not be connected", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = True self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False else: self.is_shared_instance = False self.is_standalone_instance = True self.is_connected_to_shared_instance = False def applyConfig(self): if "logging" in self.config: for option in self.config["logging"]: value = self.config["logging"][option] if option == "loglevel": RNS.loglevel = int(value) if RNS.loglevel < 0: RNS.loglevel = 0 if RNS.loglevel > 7: RNS.loglevel = 7 if "reticulum" in self.config: for option in self.config["reticulum"]: value = self.config["reticulum"][option] if option == "share_instance": value = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) self.share_instance = value if option == "shared_instance_port": value = int(self.config["reticulum"][option]) self.local_interface_port = value if option == "enable_transport": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: Reticulum.__transport_enabled = True if option == "use_implicit_proof": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = True if v == False: Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof = False if option == "allow_unencrypted": v = self.config["reticulum"].as_bool(option) if v == True: RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("Danger! Encryptionless links have been allowed in the config file!", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("Beware of the consequences! Any data sent over a link can potentially be intercepted,", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("read and modified! If you are not absolutely sure that you want this,", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("you should exit Reticulum NOW and change your config file!", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) RNS.log("", RNS.LOG_CRITICAL) Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted = True self.start_local_interface() if self.is_shared_instance or self.is_standalone_instance: # TODO: Remove RNS.log("Starting local interfaces...") interface_names = [] for name in self.config["interfaces"]: if not name in interface_names: c = self.config["interfaces"][name] try: if ("interface_enabled" in c) and c.as_bool("interface_enabled") == True: if c["type"] == "UdpInterface": interface = UdpInterface.UdpInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["listen_ip"], int(c["listen_port"]), c["forward_ip"], int(c["forward_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "TCPServerInterface": interface = TCPInterface.TCPServerInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["listen_ip"], int(c["listen_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "TCPClientInterface": interface = TCPInterface.TCPClientInterface( RNS.Transport, name, c["target_host"], int(c["target_port"]) ) if "outgoing" in c and c.as_bool("outgoing") == True: interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "SerialInterface": port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = SerialInterface.SerialInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "KISSInterface": preamble = int(c["preamble"]) if "preamble" in c else None txtail = int(c["txtail"]) if "txtail" in c else None persistence = int(c["persistence"]) if "persistence" in c else None slottime = int(c["slottime"]) if "slottime" in c else None flow_control = (True if c["flow_control"] == "true" else False) if "flow_control" in c else False port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = KISSInterface.KISSInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits, preamble, txtail, persistence, slottime, flow_control ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "AX25KISSInterface": preamble = int(c["preamble"]) if "preamble" in c else None txtail = int(c["txtail"]) if "txtail" in c else None persistence = int(c["persistence"]) if "persistence" in c else None slottime = int(c["slottime"]) if "slottime" in c else None flow_control = (True if c["flow_control"] == "true" else False) if "flow_control" in c else False port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None speed = int(c["speed"]) if "speed" in c else 9600 databits = int(c["databits"]) if "databits" in c else 8 parity = c["parity"] if "parity" in c else "N" stopbits = int(c["stopbits"]) if "stopbits" in c else 1 callsign = c["callsign"] if "callsign" in c else "" ssid = int(c["ssid"]) if "ssid" in c else -1 if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for serial interface") interface = AX25KISSInterface.AX25KISSInterface( RNS.Transport, name, callsign, ssid, port, speed, databits, parity, stopbits, preamble, txtail, persistence, slottime, flow_control ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) if c["type"] == "RNodeInterface": frequency = int(c["frequency"]) if "frequency" in c else None bandwidth = int(c["bandwidth"]) if "bandwidth" in c else None txpower = int(c["txpower"]) if "txpower" in c else None spreadingfactor = int(c["spreadingfactor"]) if "spreadingfactor" in c else None codingrate = int(c["codingrate"]) if "codingrate" in c else None flow_control = (True if c["flow_control"] == "true" else False) if "flow_control" in c else False port = c["port"] if "port" in c else None if port == None: raise ValueError("No port specified for RNode interface") interface = RNodeInterface.RNodeInterface( RNS.Transport, name, port, frequency, bandwidth, txpower, spreadingfactor, flow_control ) if "outgoing" in c and c["outgoing"].lower() == "true": interface.OUT = True else: interface.OUT = False RNS.Transport.interfaces.append(interface) else: RNS.log("Skipping disabled interface \""+name+"\"", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) except Exception as e: RNS.log("The interface \""+name+"\" could not be created. Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() else: RNS.log("The interface name \""+name+"\" was already used. Check your configuration file for errors!", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.panic() def createDefaultConfig(self): self.config = ConfigObj(__default_rns_config__) self.config.filename = Reticulum.configpath if not os.path.isdir(Reticulum.configdir): os.makedirs(Reticulum.configdir) self.config.write() self.applyConfig() @staticmethod def should_allow_unencrypted(): return Reticulum.__allow_unencrypted @staticmethod def should_use_implicit_proof(): return Reticulum.__use_implicit_proof @staticmethod def transport_enabled(): return Reticulum.__transport_enabled # Default configuration file: __default_rns_config__ = '''# This is the default Reticulum config file. # You should probably edit it to include any additional, # interfaces and settings you might need. [reticulum] # Don't allow unencrypted links by default. # If you REALLY need to allow unencrypted links, for example # for debug or regulatory purposes, this can be set to true. # This directive is optional and can be removed for brevity. allow_unencrypted = False # If you enable Transport, your system will route traffic # for other peers, pass announces and serve path requests. # Unless you really know what you're doing, this should be # done only for systems that are suited to act as transport # nodes, ie. if they are stationary and always-on. This # directive is optional and can be removed for brevity. enable_transport = False # By default, the first program to launch the Reticulum # Network Stack will create a shared instance, that other # programs can communicate with. Only the shared instance # opens all the configured interfaces directly, and other # local programs communicate with the shared instance over # a local socket. This is completely transparent to the # user, and should generally be turned on. This directive # is optional and can be removed for brevity. share_instance = Yes # If you want to run multiple *different* shared instances # on the same system, you will need to specify a different # shared instance port for each. The default is given below, # and again, this option is optional and can be left out. shared_instance_port = 37428 [logging] # Valid log levels are 0 through 7: # 0: Log only critical information # 1: Log errors and lower log levels # 2: Log warnings and lower log levels # 3: Log notices and lower log levels # 4: Log info and lower (this is the default) # 5: Verbose logging # 6: Debug logging # 7: Extreme logging loglevel = 4 # The interfaces section defines the physical and virtual # interfaces Reticulum will use to communicate on. This # section will contain examples for a variety of interface # types. You can modify these or use them as a basis for # your own config, or simply remove the unused ones. [interfaces] # This interface enables communication with other # Reticulum nodes on your local ethernet networks. # It's enabled by default, and provides basic # connectivity to other peers in your local ethernet # broadcast domain. You can modify it to suit your # needs or turn it off completely. [[Default UDP Interface]] type = UdpInterface interface_enabled = True outgoing = True listen_ip = listen_port = 4242 forward_ip = forward_port = 4242 # This example demonstrates a TCP server interface. # It will listen for incoming connections on the # specified IP address and port number. [[TCP Server Interface]] type = TCPServerInterface interface_enabled = False outgoing = True listen_ip = listen_port = 4242 # To connect to a TCP server interface, you would # naturally use the TCP client interface. Here's # an example. The target_host can either be an IP # address or a hostname [[TCP Client Interface]] type = TCPClientInterface interface_enabled = False outgoing = True target_host = target_port = 4242 # Here's an example of how to add a LoRa interface # using the RNode LoRa transceiver. [[RNode LoRa Interface]] type = RNodeInterface # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. Setting # this to false will create a listen- # only interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB0 # Set frequency to 867.2 MHz frequency = 867200000 # Set LoRa bandwidth to 125 KHz bandwidth = 125000 # Set TX power to 7 dBm (5 mW) txpower = 7 # Select spreading factor 8. Valid # range is 7 through 12, with 7 # being the fastest and 12 having # the longest range. spreadingfactor = 8 # Select coding rate 5. Valid range # is 5 throough 8, with 5 being the # fastest, and 8 the longest range. codingrate = 5 # An example KISS modem interface. Useful for running # Reticulum over packet radio hardware. [[Packet Radio KISS Interface]] type = KISSInterface # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB1 # Set the serial baud-rate and other # configuration parameters. speed = 115200 databits = 8 parity = none stopbits = 1 # Whether to use KISS flow-control. # This is useful for modems with a # small internal packet buffer. flow_control = false # Set the modem preamble. A 150ms # preamble should be a reasonable # default, but may need to be # increased for radios with slow- # opening squelch and long TX/RX # turnaround preamble = 150 # Set the modem TX tail. In most # cases this should be kept as low # as possible to not waste airtime. txtail = 10 # Configure CDMA parameters. These # settings are reasonable defaults. persistence = 200 slottime = 20 # If you're using Reticulum on amateur radio spectrum, # you might want to use the AX.25 KISS interface. This # way, Reticulum will automatically encapsulate it's # traffic in AX.25 and also identify your stations # transmissions with your callsign and SSID. # # Only do this if you really need to! Reticulum doesn't # need the AX.25 layer for anything, and it incurs extra # overhead on every packet to encapsulate in AX.25. [[Packet Radio AX.25 KISS Interface]] type = AX25KISSInterface # Set the station callsign and SSID callsign = NO1CLL ssid = 0 # Enable interface if you want use it! interface_enabled = False # Allow transmit on interface. outgoing = true # Serial port for the device port = /dev/ttyUSB2 # Set the serial baud-rate and other # configuration parameters. speed = 115200 databits = 8 parity = none stopbits = 1 # Whether to use KISS flow-control. # This is useful for modems with a # small internal packet buffer. flow_control = false # Set the modem preamble. A 150ms # preamble should be a reasonable # default, but may need to be # increased for radios with slow- # opening squelch and long TX/RX # turnaround preamble = 150 # Set the modem TX tail. In most # cases this should be kept as low # as possible to not waste airtime. txtail = 10 # Configure CDMA parameters. These # settings are reasonable defaults. persistence = 200 slottime = 20 '''.splitlines()