import RNS import time import os import os.path from .vendor import umsgpack as umsgpack class Bundle: APP_NAME = "rnsbundle" NO_CUSTODY = 0x00; TAKING_CUSTODY = 0x01; FULL_CUSTODY = 0x02; REMOVED = 0xFF; CHUNK_SIZE = RNS.Resource.MAX_EFFICIENT_SIZE / 4 def __init__(self, destination_hash = None, data = None, filepath = None, advertisement_data = None): self.destination_hash = None self.is_originator = False self.state = None self.data_file = None self.meta_file = None self.data_hash = None = None self.storagepath = None self.size = None self.chunks = 0 self.created = time.time() self.heartbeat = created self.transferring = False self.chunk_request_destination = None try: if data != None or filepath != None: self.destination_hash = destination_hash self.is_originator = True = RNS.Identity.getRandomHash() if filepath == None and data != None: try: self.data_hash = RNS.Identity.fullHash(data) self.storagepath = Reticulum.bundlepath+"/" self.datapath = self.storagepath+"/data" self.metadatapath = self.storagepath+"/metadata" if not os.path.isdir(self.storagepath): os.makedirs(self.storagepath) else: RNS.log("Warning, bundle already exists in storage location, recreating", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) self.data_file = open(self.datapath, "wb") self.data_file.write(data) self.data_file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while initialising bundle from data, the contained exception was:", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log(str(e)) self.state = Bundle.FULL_CUSTODY elif data == None and filepath != None: try: input_file = open(filepath, "rb") self.data_hash = RNS.Identity.fullHash( self.storagepath = RNS.Reticulum.bundlepath+"/" self.datapath = self.storagepath+"/data" self.metadatapath = self.storagepath+"/metadata" if not os.path.isdir(self.storagepath): os.makedirs(self.storagepath) else: RNS.log("Warning, bundle already exists in storage location, recreating", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) self.data_file = open(self.datapath, "wb") self.data_file.write( self.data_file.close() input_file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while reading input file for bundle, the contained exception was:", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log(str(e)) self.state = Bundle.FULL_CUSTODY else: raise ValueError("Bundle cannot be created from data and file path at the same time") # Prepare file handles and metadata self.size = os.stat(self.datapath).st_size if self.size < 1: raise IOError("Bundle data is empty") self.data_file = open(self.datapath, "rb") elif advertisement_data != None: # Incoming bundle transfer = advertisement_data[1] self.destination_hash = advertisement_data[0] self.state = Bundle.TAKING_CUSTODY self.storagepath = Reticulum.bundlepath+"/" self.datapath = self.storagepath+"/data" self.metadatapath = self.storagepath+"/metadata" if not os.path.isdir(self.storagepath): os.makedirs(self.storagepath) else: RNS.log("Warning, bundle already exists in storage location, recreating", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) self.data_file = open(self.datapath, "wb") self.data_file.close() self.size = advertisement_data[2] self.data_file = open(self.datapath, "wb") else: raise ValueError("No source of data specified for bundle initialisation") self.chunks = ((self.size-1)//Bundle.CHUNK_SIZE)+1 self.flush_metadata() RNS.Transport.register_bundle(self) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while initialising bundle. The contained exception was:", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log(str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) # TODO: Remove raise e def get_packed_metadata(self): metadata = { "destination": self.destination, "heartbeat": self.heartbeat, "size": self.size, "is_originator": self.is_originator "state": self.state} return umsgpack.packb(metadata) def flush_metadata(self): try: self.meta_file = open(self.metadatapath, "wb") self.meta_file.write(self.get_packed_metadata()) self.meta_file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while flushing metadata for bundle "+RNS.prettyhexrep(, RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) def register_destinations(self, destination): self.chunk_request_destination = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.IN, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, APP_NAME, "chunk", "request") self.chunk_request_destination.link_established_callback(requester_connected) def advertise(self, advertise_to): advertisement = [ self.destination,, self.size, self.chunks] advertisement_data = umsgpack.packb(advertisement) advertisement_packet = RNS.Packet(advertise_to, advertisement_data) advertisement.packet.send() def requester_connected(self, link): RNS.log("Requester connected to bundle "+RNS.prettyhexrep(, RNS.LOG_DEBUG) link.packet_callback(chunk_request) def chunk_request(self, data, packet): chunk_index = data[0] RNS.log("Request for chunk "+str(chunk_index)+"/"+str(self.chunks)+" of bundle "+RNS.prettyhexrep(, RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if chunk_index < self.chunks: self.emit_resource(, chunk_index) else: RNS.log("Bundle transfer client requested chunk index out of range, tearing down link.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) def emit_resource(self, link, chunk_index): if not self.transferring: chunk_max = self.size-1 chunk_start = chunk_index*CHUNK_SIZE chunk_end = (chunk_index+1)*CHUNK_SIZE-1 if chunk_end > chunk_max: chunk_end = chunk_max read_size = chunk_end - chunk_start try: file = open(self.datapath, "rb") data = chunk_resource = RNS.Resource(data, link, callback=resource_concluded) chunk_resource.chunk_index = chunk_index except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not read bundle data from storage, the contained exception was:", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log(str(e)) link.teardown() else: RNS.log("Bundle chunk "+str(chunk_index)+" for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(" was requested while a transfer was already in progress", RNS.LOG_ERROR) def resource_concluded(self, resource): RNS.log("Concluded transferring chunk "+str(resource.chunk_index)+"/"+str(self.chunks)+" of bundle "+RNS.prettyhexrep(, RNS.LOG_DEBUG) self.transferring = False def resign_custody(self): self.state = Bundle.NO_CUSTODY self.heartbeat = time.time() def custody_proof(self, proof): pass def remove(self): try: self.state = Bundle.REMOVED RNS.Transport.deregister_destination(self.chunk_request_destination) os.unlink(self.datapath) os.unlink(self.metadatapath) os.rmdir(self.storagepath) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while removing bundle from storage, the contained exception was:", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log(str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) class BundleAdvertisement: pass