import os import RNS import time import math import struct import threading import traceback from time import sleep from .vendor import umsgpack as umsgpack class Transport: """ Through static methods of this class you can interact with Reticulums Transport system. """ # Constants BROADCAST = 0x00; TRANSPORT = 0x01; RELAY = 0x02; TUNNEL = 0x03; types = [BROADCAST, TRANSPORT, RELAY, TUNNEL] REACHABILITY_UNREACHABLE = 0x00 REACHABILITY_DIRECT = 0x01 REACHABILITY_TRANSPORT = 0x02 APP_NAME = "rnstransport" PATHFINDER_M = 128 # Max hops """ Maximum amount of hops that Reticulum will transport a packet. """ PATHFINDER_C = 2.0 # Decay constant PATHFINDER_R = 1 # Retransmit retries PATHFINDER_T = 10 # Retry grace period PATHFINDER_RW = 10 # Random window for announce rebroadcast PATHFINDER_E = 60*15 # Path expiration in seconds # TODO: Calculate an optimal number for this in # various situations LOCAL_REBROADCASTS_MAX = 2 # How many local rebroadcasts of an announce is allowed PATH_REQUEST_GRACE = 0.35 # Grace time before a path announcement is made, allows directly reachable peers to respond first PATH_REQUEST_RW = 2 # Path request random window LINK_TIMEOUT = RNS.Link.KEEPALIVE * 2 REVERSE_TIMEOUT = 30*60 # Reverse table entries are removed after max 30 minutes DESTINATION_TIMEOUT = 60*60*24*7 # Destination table entries are removed if unused for one week MAX_RECEIPTS = 1024 # Maximum number of receipts to keep track of interfaces = [] # All active interfaces destinations = [] # All active destinations pending_links = [] # Links that are being established active_links = [] # Links that are active packet_hashlist = [] # A list of packet hashes for duplicate detection receipts = [] # Receipts of all outgoing packets for proof processing # TODO: "destination_table" should really be renamed to "path_table" # Notes on memory usage: 1 megabyte of memory can store approximately # 55.100 path table entries or approximately 22.300 link table entries. announce_table = {} # A table for storing announces currently waiting to be retransmitted destination_table = {} # A lookup table containing the next hop to a given destination reverse_table = {} # A lookup table for storing packet hashes used to return proofs and replies link_table = {} # A lookup table containing hops for links held_announces = {} # A table containing temporarily held announce-table entries announce_handlers = [] # A table storing externally registered announce handlers transport_tunnels = {} # A table storing tunnels to other transport instances # Transport control destinations are used # for control purposes like path requests control_destinations = [] control_hashes = [] # Interfaces for communicating with # local clients connected to a shared # Reticulum instance local_client_interfaces = [] jobs_locked = False jobs_running = False job_interval = 0.250 receipts_last_checked = 0.0 receipts_check_interval = 1.0 announces_last_checked = 0.0 announces_check_interval = 1.0 hashlist_maxsize = 1000000 tables_last_culled = 0.0 tables_cull_interval = 5.0 identity = None @staticmethod def start(reticulum_instance): Transport.owner = reticulum_instance if Transport.identity == None: transport_identity_path = RNS.Reticulum.storagepath+"/transport_identity" if os.path.isfile(transport_identity_path): Transport.identity = RNS.Identity.from_file(transport_identity_path) if Transport.identity == None: RNS.log("No valid Transport Identity in storage, creating...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) Transport.identity = RNS.Identity() Transport.identity.to_file(transport_identity_path) else: RNS.log("Loaded Transport Identity from storage", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) packet_hashlist_path = RNS.Reticulum.storagepath+"/packet_hashlist" if os.path.isfile(packet_hashlist_path): try: file = open(packet_hashlist_path, "rb") Transport.packet_hashlist = umsgpack.unpackb( file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load packet hashlist from storage, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) # Create transport-specific destinations Transport.path_request_destination = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.IN, RNS.Destination.PLAIN, Transport.APP_NAME, "path", "request") Transport.path_request_destination.set_packet_callback(Transport.path_request_handler) Transport.control_destinations.append(Transport.path_request_destination) Transport.control_hashes.append(Transport.path_request_destination.hash) Transport.tunnel_synthesize_destination = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.IN, RNS.Destination.PLAIN, Transport.APP_NAME, "tunnel", "synthesize") Transport.tunnel_synthesize_destination.set_packet_callback(Transport.tunnel_synthesize_handler) Transport.control_destinations.append(Transport.tunnel_synthesize_handler) Transport.control_hashes.append(Transport.tunnel_synthesize_destination.hash) thread = threading.Thread(target=Transport.jobloop) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() if RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled(): destination_table_path = RNS.Reticulum.storagepath+"/destination_table" if os.path.isfile(destination_table_path) and not Transport.owner.is_connected_to_shared_instance: serialised_destinations = [] try: file = open(destination_table_path, "rb") serialised_destinations = umsgpack.unpackb( file.close() for serialised_entry in serialised_destinations: destination_hash = serialised_entry[0] timestamp = serialised_entry[1] received_from = serialised_entry[2] hops = serialised_entry[3] expires = serialised_entry[4] random_blobs = serialised_entry[5] receiving_interface = Transport.find_interface_from_hash(serialised_entry[6]) announce_packet = Transport.get_cached_packet(serialised_entry[7]) if announce_packet != None and receiving_interface != None: announce_packet.unpack() # We increase the hops, since reading a packet # from cache is equivalent to receiving it again # over an interface. It is cached with it's non- # increased hop-count. announce_packet.hops += 1 Transport.destination_table[destination_hash] = [timestamp, received_from, hops, expires, random_blobs, receiving_interface, announce_packet] RNS.log("Loaded path table entry for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash)+" from storage", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: RNS.log("Could not reconstruct path table entry from storage for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if announce_packet == None: RNS.log("The announce packet could not be loaded from cache", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if receiving_interface == None: RNS.log("The interface is no longer available", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if len(Transport.destination_table) == 1: specifier = "entry" else: specifier = "entries" RNS.log("Loaded "+str(len(Transport.destination_table))+" path table "+specifier+" from storage", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not load destination table from storage, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("Transport instance "+str(Transport.identity)+" started") for interface in Transport.interfaces: if hasattr(interface, "wants_tunnel") and interface.wants_tunnel: Transport.synthesize_tunnel(interface) @staticmethod def jobloop(): while (True): sleep(Transport.job_interval) @staticmethod def jobs(): outgoing = [] Transport.jobs_running = True try: if not Transport.jobs_locked: # Process receipts list for timed-out packets if time.time() > Transport.receipts_last_checked+Transport.receipts_check_interval: while len(Transport.receipts) > Transport.MAX_RECEIPTS: culled_receipt = Transport.receipts.pop(0) culled_receipt.timeout = -1 culled_receipt.check_timeout() for receipt in Transport.receipts: receipt.check_timeout() if receipt.status != RNS.PacketReceipt.SENT: Transport.receipts.remove(receipt) Transport.receipts_last_checked = time.time() # Process announces needing retransmission if time.time() > Transport.announces_last_checked+Transport.announces_check_interval: for destination_hash in Transport.announce_table: announce_entry = Transport.announce_table[destination_hash] if announce_entry[2] > Transport.PATHFINDER_R: RNS.log("Dropping announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash)+", retries exceeded", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.announce_table.pop(destination_hash) break else: if time.time() > announce_entry[1]: announce_entry[1] = time.time() + math.pow(Transport.PATHFINDER_C, announce_entry[4]) + Transport.PATHFINDER_T + Transport.PATHFINDER_RW announce_entry[2] += 1 packet = announce_entry[5] block_rebroadcasts = announce_entry[7] attached_interface = announce_entry[8] announce_context = RNS.Packet.NONE if block_rebroadcasts: announce_context = RNS.Packet.PATH_RESPONSE announce_data = announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash) announce_destination = RNS.Destination(announce_identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, "unknown", "unknown"); announce_destination.hash = packet.destination_hash announce_destination.hexhash = announce_destination.hash.hex() new_packet = RNS.Packet( announce_destination, announce_data, RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE, context = announce_context, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_2, transport_type = Transport.TRANSPORT, transport_id = Transport.identity.hash, attached_interface = attached_interface ) new_packet.hops = announce_entry[4] if block_rebroadcasts: RNS.log("Rebroadcasting announce as path response for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(announce_destination.hash)+" with hop count "+str(new_packet.hops), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: RNS.log("Rebroadcasting announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(announce_destination.hash)+" with hop count "+str(new_packet.hops), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) outgoing.append(new_packet) # This handles an edge case where a peer sends a past # request for a destination just after an announce for # said destination has arrived, but before it has been # rebroadcast locally. In such a case the actual announce # is temporarily held, and then reinserted when the path # request has been served to the peer. if destination_hash in Transport.held_announces: held_entry = Transport.held_announces.pop(destination_hash) Transport.announce_table[destination_hash] = held_entry RNS.log("Reinserting held announce into table", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.announces_last_checked = time.time() # Cull the packet hashlist if it has reached max size if len(Transport.packet_hashlist) > Transport.hashlist_maxsize: Transport.packet_hashlist = Transport.packet_hashlist[len(Transport.packet_hashlist)-Transport.hashlist_maxsize:len(Transport.packet_hashlist)-1] if time.time() > Transport.tables_last_culled + Transport.tables_cull_interval: # Cull the reverse table according to timeout for truncated_packet_hash in Transport.reverse_table: reverse_entry = Transport.reverse_table[truncated_packet_hash] if time.time() > reverse_entry[2] + Transport.REVERSE_TIMEOUT: Transport.reverse_table.pop(truncated_packet_hash) # Cull the link table according to timeout stale_links = [] for link_id in Transport.link_table: link_entry = Transport.link_table[link_id] if time.time() > link_entry[0] + Transport.LINK_TIMEOUT: stale_links.append(link_id) # Cull the path table stale_paths = [] for destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: destination_entry = Transport.destination_table[destination_hash] attached_interface = destination_entry[5] if time.time() > destination_entry[0] + Transport.DESTINATION_TIMEOUT: stale_paths.append(destination_hash) RNS.log("Path to "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash)+" timed out and was removed", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if not attached_interface in Transport.interfaces: stale_paths.append(destination_hash) RNS.log("Path to "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash)+" was removed since the attached interface no longer exists", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) i = 0 for link_id in stale_links: Transport.link_table.pop(link_id) i += 1 if i > 0: if i == 1: RNS.log("Dropped "+str(i)+" link", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: RNS.log("Dropped "+str(i)+" links", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) i = 0 for destination_hash in stale_paths: Transport.destination_table.pop(destination_hash) i += 1 if i > 0: if i == 1: RNS.log("Removed "+str(i)+" path", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: RNS.log("Removed "+str(i)+" paths", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.tables_last_culled = time.time() except Exception as e: RNS.log("An exception occurred while running Transport jobs.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) traceback.print_exc() Transport.jobs_running = False for packet in outgoing: packet.send() @staticmethod def outbound(packet): while (Transport.jobs_running): sleep(0.01) Transport.jobs_locked = True # TODO: This updateHash call might be redundant packet.update_hash() sent = False # Check if we have a known path for the destination in the path table if packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE and packet.destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: outbound_interface = Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][5] # If there's more than one hop to the destination, and we know # a path, we insert the packet into transport by adding the next # transport nodes address to the header, and modifying the flags. # This rule applies both for "normal" transport, and when connected # to a local shared Reticulum instance. if Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][2] > 1: if packet.header_type == RNS.Packet.HEADER_1: # Insert packet into transport new_flags = (RNS.Packet.HEADER_2) << 6 | (Transport.TRANSPORT) << 4 | (packet.flags & 0b00001111) new_raw = struct.pack("!B", new_flags) new_raw += packet.raw[1:2] new_raw += Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][1] new_raw += packet.raw[2:] outbound_interface.processOutgoing(new_raw) Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][0] = time.time() sent = True # In the special case where we are connected to a local shared # Reticulum instance, and the destination is one hop away, we # also add transport headers to inject the packet into transport # via the shared instance. Normally a packet for a destination # one hop away would just be broadcast directly, but since we # are "behind" a shared instance, we need to get that instance # to transport it onto the network. elif Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][2] == 1 and Transport.owner.is_connected_to_shared_instance: if packet.header_type == RNS.Packet.HEADER_1: # Insert packet into transport new_flags = (RNS.Packet.HEADER_2) << 6 | (Transport.TRANSPORT) << 4 | (packet.flags & 0b00001111) new_raw = struct.pack("!B", new_flags) new_raw += packet.raw[1:2] new_raw += Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][1] new_raw += packet.raw[2:] outbound_interface.processOutgoing(new_raw) Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][0] = time.time() sent = True # If none of the above applies, we know the destination is # directly reachable, and also on which interface, so we # simply transmit the packet directly on that one. else: outbound_interface.processOutgoing(packet.raw) sent = True # If we don't have a known path for the destination, we'll # broadcast the packet on all outgoing interfaces, or the # just the relevant interface if the packet has an attached # interface, or belongs to a link. else: stored_hash = False for interface in Transport.interfaces: if interface.OUT: should_transmit = True if packet.destination.type == RNS.Destination.LINK: if packet.destination.status == RNS.Link.CLOSED: should_transmit = False if interface != packet.destination.attached_interface: should_transmit = False if packet.attached_interface != None and interface != packet.attached_interface: should_transmit = False if should_transmit: if not stored_hash: Transport.packet_hashlist.append(packet.packet_hash) stored_hash = True interface.processOutgoing(packet.raw) sent = True if sent: packet.sent = True packet.sent_at = time.time() # Don't generate receipt if it has been explicitly disabled if (packet.create_receipt == True and # Only generate receipts for DATA packets packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.DATA and # Don't generate receipts for PLAIN destinations packet.destination.type != RNS.Destination.PLAIN and # Don't generate receipts for link-related packets not (packet.context >= RNS.Packet.KEEPALIVE and packet.context <= RNS.Packet.LRPROOF) and # Don't generate receipts for resource packets not (packet.context >= RNS.Packet.RESOURCE and packet.context <= RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_RCL)): packet.receipt = RNS.PacketReceipt(packet) Transport.receipts.append(packet.receipt) Transport.cache(packet) Transport.jobs_locked = False return sent @staticmethod def packet_filter(packet): # TODO: Think long and hard about this. # Is it even strictly necessary with the current # transport rules? if packet.context == RNS.Packet.KEEPALIVE: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_REQ: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE: return True if packet.context == RNS.Packet.CACHE_REQUEST: return True if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.PLAIN: return True if not packet.packet_hash in Transport.packet_hashlist: return True else: if packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE: return True RNS.log("Filtered packet with hash "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.packet_hash), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) return False @staticmethod def inbound(raw, interface=None): while (Transport.jobs_running): sleep(0.01) Transport.jobs_locked = True packet = RNS.Packet(None, raw) packet.unpack() packet.receiving_interface = interface packet.hops += 1 if len(Transport.local_client_interfaces) > 0: if Transport.is_local_client_interface(interface): packet.hops -= 1 elif Transport.interface_to_shared_instance(interface): packet.hops -= 1 if Transport.packet_filter(packet): Transport.packet_hashlist.append(packet.packet_hash) Transport.cache(packet) # Check special conditions for local clients connected # through a shared Reticulum instance from_local_client = (packet.receiving_interface in Transport.local_client_interfaces) for_local_client = (packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE) and (packet.destination_hash in Transport.destination_table and Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][2] == 0) for_local_client_link = (packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE) and (packet.destination_hash in Transport.link_table and Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash][4] in Transport.local_client_interfaces) for_local_client_link |= (packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE) and (packet.destination_hash in Transport.link_table and Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash][2] in Transport.local_client_interfaces) proof_for_local_client = (packet.destination_hash in Transport.reverse_table) and (Transport.reverse_table[packet.destination_hash][0] in Transport.local_client_interfaces) # Plain broadcast packets from local clients are sent # directly on all attached interfaces, since they are # never injected into transport. if not packet.destination_hash in Transport.control_hashes: if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.PLAIN and packet.transport_type == Transport.BROADCAST: # Send to all interfaces except the originator if from_local_client: for interface in Transport.interfaces: if interface != packet.receiving_interface: interface.processOutgoing(packet.raw) # If the packet was not from a local client, send # it directly to all local clients else: for interface in Transport.local_client_interfaces: interface.processOutgoing(packet.raw) # General transport handling. Takes care of directing # packets according to transport tables and recording # entries in reverse and link tables. if RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() or from_local_client or for_local_client or for_local_client_link: # If there is no transport id, but the packet is # for a local client, we generate the transport # id (it was stripped on the previous hop, since # we "spoof" the hop count for clients behind a # shared instance, so they look directly reach- # able), and reinsert, so the normal transport # implementation can handle the packet. if packet.transport_id == None and for_local_client: packet.transport_id = Transport.identity.hash # If this is a cache request, and we can fullfill # it, do so and stop processing. Otherwise resume # normal processing. if packet.context == RNS.Packet.CACHE_REQUEST: if Transport.cache_request_packet(packet): return # If the packet is in transport, check whether we # are the designated next hop, and process it # accordingly if we are. if packet.transport_id != None and packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE: if packet.transport_id == Transport.identity.hash: if packet.destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: next_hop = Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][1] remaining_hops = Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][2] if remaining_hops > 1: # Just increase hop count and transmit new_raw = packet.raw[0:1] new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += next_hop new_raw += packet.raw[12:] elif remaining_hops == 1: # Strip transport headers and transmit new_flags = (RNS.Packet.HEADER_1) << 6 | (Transport.BROADCAST) << 4 | (packet.flags & 0b00001111) new_raw = struct.pack("!B", new_flags) new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += packet.raw[12:] elif remaining_hops == 0: # Just increase hop count and transmit new_raw = packet.raw[0:1] new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += packet.raw[2:] outbound_interface = Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][5] outbound_interface.processOutgoing(new_raw) Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][0] = time.time() if packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST: # Entry format is link_entry = [ time.time(), # 0: Timestamp, next_hop, # 1: Next-hop transport ID outbound_interface, # 2: Next-hop interface remaining_hops, # 3: Remaining hops packet.receiving_interface, # 4: Received on interface packet.hops, # 5: Taken hops packet.destination_hash, # 6: Original destination hash False] # 7: Validated Transport.link_table[packet.getTruncatedHash()] = link_entry else: # Entry format is reverse_entry = [ packet.receiving_interface, # 0: Received on interface outbound_interface, # 1: Outbound interface time.time()] # 2: Timestamp Transport.reverse_table[packet.getTruncatedHash()] = reverse_entry else: # TODO: There should probably be some kind of REJECT # mechanism here, to signal to the source that their # expected path failed. RNS.log("Got packet in transport, but no known path to final destination. Dropping packet.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) # Link transport handling. Directs packets according # to entries in the link tables if packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE and packet.packet_type != RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST and packet.context != RNS.Packet.LRPROOF: if packet.destination_hash in Transport.link_table: link_entry = Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash] # If receiving and outbound interface is # the same for this link, direction doesn't # matter, and we simply send the packet on. outbound_interface = None if link_entry[2] == link_entry[4]: # But check that taken hops matches one # of the expectede values. if packet.hops == link_entry[3] or packet.hops == link_entry[5]: outbound_interface = link_entry[2] else: # If interfaces differ, we transmit on # the opposite interface of what the # packet was received on. if packet.receiving_interface == link_entry[2]: # Also check that expected hop count matches if packet.hops == link_entry[3]: outbound_interface = link_entry[4] elif packet.receiving_interface == link_entry[4]: # Also check that expected hop count matches if packet.hops == link_entry[5]: outbound_interface = link_entry[2] if outbound_interface != None: new_raw = packet.raw[0:1] new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += packet.raw[2:] outbound_interface.processOutgoing(new_raw) Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash][0] = time.time() else: pass # Announce handling. Handles logic related to incoming # announces, queueing rebroadcasts of these, and removal # of queued announce rebroadcasts once handed to the next node. if packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE: local_destination = next((d for d in Transport.destinations if d.hash == packet.destination_hash), None) if local_destination == None and RNS.Identity.validate_announce(packet): if packet.transport_id != None: received_from = packet.transport_id # Check if this is a next retransmission from # another node. If it is, we're removing the # announce in question from our pending table if RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() and packet.destination_hash in Transport.announce_table: announce_entry = Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] if packet.hops-1 == announce_entry[4]: RNS.log("Heard a local rebroadcast of announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) announce_entry[6] += 1 if announce_entry[6] >= Transport.LOCAL_REBROADCASTS_MAX: RNS.log("Max local rebroadcasts of announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash)+" reached, dropping announce from our table", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.announce_table.pop(packet.destination_hash) if packet.hops-1 == announce_entry[4]+1 and announce_entry[2] > 0: now = time.time() if now < announce_entry[1]: RNS.log("Rebroadcasted announce for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash)+" has been passed on to next node, no further tries needed", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) Transport.announce_table.pop(packet.destination_hash) else: received_from = packet.destination_hash # Check if this announce should be inserted into # announce and destination tables should_add = False # First, check that the announce is not for a destination # local to this system, and that hops are less than the max if (not any(packet.destination_hash == d.hash for d in Transport.destinations) and packet.hops < Transport.PATHFINDER_M+1): random_blob =[RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+10:RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+20] random_blobs = [] if packet.destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: random_blobs = Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][4] # If we already have a path to the announced # destination, but the hop count is equal or # less, we'll update our tables. if packet.hops <= Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][2]: # Make sure we haven't heard the random # blob before, so announces can't be # replayed to forge paths. # TODO: Check whether this approach works # under all circumstances if not random_blob in random_blobs: should_add = True else: should_add = False else: # If an announce arrives with a larger hop # count than we already have in the table, # ignore it, unless the path is expired if (time.time() > Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash][3]): # We also check that the announce hash is # different from ones we've already heard, # to avoid loops in the network if not random_blob in random_blobs: # TODO: Check that this ^ approach actually # works under all circumstances RNS.log("Replacing destination table entry for "+str(RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash))+" with new announce due to expired path", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) should_add = True else: should_add = False else: should_add = False else: # If this destination is unknown in our table # we should add it should_add = True if should_add: now = time.time() retries = 0 expires = now + Transport.PATHFINDER_E announce_hops = packet.hops local_rebroadcasts = 0 block_rebroadcasts = False attached_interface = None retransmit_timeout = now + math.pow(Transport.PATHFINDER_C, packet.hops) + (RNS.rand() * Transport.PATHFINDER_RW) random_blobs.append(random_blob) if (RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() or Transport.from_local_client(packet)) and packet.context != RNS.Packet.PATH_RESPONSE: # If the announce is from a local client, # we announce it immediately, but only one # time. if Transport.from_local_client(packet): retransmit_timeout = now retries = Transport.PATHFINDER_R Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] = [ now, retransmit_timeout, retries, received_from, announce_hops, packet, local_rebroadcasts, block_rebroadcasts, attached_interface ] # If we have any local clients connected, we re- # transmit the announce to them immediately if (len(Transport.local_client_interfaces)): announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash) announce_destination = RNS.Destination(announce_identity, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.SINGLE, "unknown", "unknown"); announce_destination.hash = packet.destination_hash announce_destination.hexhash = announce_destination.hash.hex() announce_context = RNS.Packet.NONE announce_data = if Transport.from_local_client(packet) and packet.context == RNS.Packet.PATH_RESPONSE: for interface in Transport.interfaces: if packet.receiving_interface != interface: new_announce = RNS.Packet( announce_destination, announce_data, RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE, context = announce_context, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_2, transport_type = Transport.TRANSPORT, transport_id = Transport.identity.hash, attached_interface = interface ) new_announce.hops = packet.hops new_announce.send() else: for local_interface in Transport.local_client_interfaces: new_announce = RNS.Packet( announce_destination, announce_data, RNS.Packet.ANNOUNCE, context = announce_context, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_2, transport_type = Transport.TRANSPORT, transport_id = Transport.identity.hash, attached_interface = local_interface ) new_announce.hops = packet.hops new_announce.send() Transport.destination_table[packet.destination_hash] = [now, received_from, announce_hops, expires, random_blobs, packet.receiving_interface, packet] RNS.log("Path to "+RNS.prettyhexrep(packet.destination_hash)+" is now "+str(announce_hops)+" hops away via "+RNS.prettyhexrep(received_from)+" on "+str(packet.receiving_interface), RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) # Call externally registered callbacks from apps # wanting to know when an announce arrives for handler in Transport.announce_handlers: try: # Check that the announced destination matches # the handlers aspect filter execute_callback = False if handler.aspect_filter == None: # If the handlers aspect filter is set to # None, we execute the callback in all cases execute_callback = True else: announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash) handler_expected_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity(handler.aspect_filter, announce_identity) if packet.destination_hash == handler_expected_hash: execute_callback = True if execute_callback: handler.received_announce( destination_hash=packet.destination_hash, announced_identity=announce_identity, app_data=RNS.Identity.recall_app_data(packet.destination_hash) ) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while processing external announce callback.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) # Handling for linkrequests to local destinations elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST: for destination in Transport.destinations: if destination.hash == packet.destination_hash and destination.type == packet.destination_type: packet.destination = destination destination.receive(packet) # Handling for local data packets elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.DATA: if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.LINK: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: = link link.receive(packet) else: for destination in Transport.destinations: if destination.hash == packet.destination_hash and destination.type == packet.destination_type: packet.destination = destination destination.receive(packet) if destination.proof_strategy == RNS.Destination.PROVE_ALL: packet.prove() elif destination.proof_strategy == RNS.Destination.PROVE_APP: if destination.callbacks.proof_requested: if destination.callbacks.proof_requested(packet): packet.prove() # Handling for proofs and link-request proofs elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.PROOF: if packet.context == RNS.Packet.LRPROOF: # This is a link request proof, check if it # needs to be transported if (RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() or for_local_client_link or from_local_client) and packet.destination_hash in Transport.link_table: link_entry = Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash] if packet.receiving_interface == link_entry[2]: # TODO: Should we validate the LR proof at each transport # step before transporting it? RNS.log("Link request proof received on correct interface, transporting it via "+str(link_entry[4]), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) new_raw = packet.raw[0:1] new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += packet.raw[2:] Transport.link_table[packet.destination_hash][7] = True link_entry[4].processOutgoing(new_raw) else: RNS.log("Link request proof received on wrong interface, not transporting it.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) else: # Check if we can deliver it to a local # pending link for link in Transport.pending_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: link.validate_proof(packet) elif packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: link.receive(packet) else: if packet.destination_type == RNS.Destination.LINK: for link in Transport.active_links: if link.link_id == packet.destination_hash: = link if len( == RNS.PacketReceipt.EXPL_LENGTH: proof_hash =[:RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH//8] else: proof_hash = None # Check if this proof neds to be transported if (RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() or from_local_client or proof_for_local_client) and packet.destination_hash in Transport.reverse_table: reverse_entry = Transport.reverse_table.pop(packet.destination_hash) if packet.receiving_interface == reverse_entry[1]: RNS.log("Proof received on correct interface, transporting it via "+str(reverse_entry[0]), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) new_raw = packet.raw[0:1] new_raw += struct.pack("!B", packet.hops) new_raw += packet.raw[2:] reverse_entry[0].processOutgoing(new_raw) else: RNS.log("Proof received on wrong interface, not transporting it.", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) for receipt in Transport.receipts: receipt_validated = False if proof_hash != None: # Only test validation if hash matches if receipt.hash == proof_hash: receipt_validated = receipt.validate_proof_packet(packet) else: # TODO: This looks like it should actually # be rewritten when implicit proofs are added. # In case of an implicit proof, we have # to check every single outstanding receipt receipt_validated = receipt.validate_proof_packet(packet) if receipt_validated: if receipt in Transport.receipts: Transport.receipts.remove(receipt) Transport.jobs_locked = False @staticmethod def synthesize_tunnel(interface): interface_hash = interface.get_hash() public_key = RNS.Transport.identity.get_public_key() random_hash = RNS.Identity.get_random_hash() tunnel_id_data = public_key+interface_hash tunnel_id = RNS.Identity.full_hash(tunnel_id_data) signed_data = tunnel_id_data+random_hash signature = Transport.identity.sign(signed_data) data = signed_data+signature tnl_snth_dst = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.PLAIN, Transport.APP_NAME, "tunnel", "synthesize") # TODO: Remove RNS.log("Tunnel synth for "+str(interface)) RNS.log("Transport ID : "+str(Transport.identity)) RNS.log("Tunnel ID : "+RNS.hexrep(tunnel_id)) RNS.log("IF hash : "+RNS.hexrep(interface_hash)) RNS.log("Rnd has : "+RNS.hexrep(random_hash)) RNS.log("Public key : "+RNS.hexrep(public_key)) RNS.log("Signature : "+RNS.hexrep(signature)) packet = RNS.Packet(tnl_snth_dst, data, packet_type = RNS.Packet.DATA, transport_type = RNS.Transport.BROADCAST, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_1, attached_interface = interface) packet.send() interface.wants_tunnel = False @staticmethod def tunnel_synthesize_handler(data, packet): # TODO: Remove RNS.log("Received tunnel synthesize packet ("+str(len(data))+"):\n"+RNS.hexrep(data)) expected_length = RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH//8+RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8+RNS.Identity.SIGLENGTH//8 if len(data) == expected_length: public_key = data[:RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8] interface_hash = data[RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8:RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH//8] tunnel_id_data = public_key+interface_hash tunnel_id = RNS.Identity.full_hash(tunnel_id_data) random_hash = data[RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH:RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH//8+RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8] signature = data[RNS.Identity.KEYSIZE//8+RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH//8+RNS.Reticulum.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8:expected_length] signed_data = tunnel_id_data+random_hash remote_transport_identity = RNS.Identity(create_keys=False) remote_transport_identity.load_public_key(public_key) RNS.log("Transport ID : "+str(Transport.identity)) RNS.log("Tunnel ID : "+RNS.hexrep(tunnel_id)) RNS.log("IF hash : "+RNS.hexrep(interface_hash)) RNS.log("Rnd has : "+RNS.hexrep(random_hash)) RNS.log("Public key : "+RNS.hexrep(public_key)) RNS.log("Signature : "+RNS.hexrep(signature)) if remote_transport_identity.validate(signature, signed_data): RNS.log("Signature is valid") else: RNS.log("Signature is invalid") @staticmethod def register_destination(destination): destination.MTU = RNS.Reticulum.MTU if destination.direction == RNS.Destination.IN: for registered_destination in Transport.destinations: if destination.hash == registered_destination.hash: raise KeyError("Attempt to register an already registered destination.") Transport.destinations.append(destination) if Transport.owner.is_connected_to_shared_instance: if destination.type == RNS.Destination.SINGLE: destination.announce(path_response=True) @staticmethod def deregister_destination(destination): if destination in Transport.destinations: Transport.destinations.remove(destination) @staticmethod def register_link(link): RNS.log("Registering link "+str(link), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if link.initiator: Transport.pending_links.append(link) else: Transport.active_links.append(link) @staticmethod def activate_link(link): RNS.log("Activating link "+str(link), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) if link in Transport.pending_links: Transport.pending_links.remove(link) Transport.active_links.append(link) link.status = RNS.Link.ACTIVE else: RNS.log("Attempted to activate a link that was not in the pending table", RNS.LOG_ERROR) @staticmethod def register_announce_handler(handler): """ Registers an announce handler. :param handler: Must be an object with an *aspect_filter* attribute and a *received_announce(destination_hash, announced_identity, app_data)* callable. See the :ref:`Announce Example` for more info. """ if hasattr(handler, "received_announce") and callable(handler.received_announce): if hasattr(handler, "aspect_filter"): Transport.announce_handlers.append(handler) @staticmethod def deregister_announce_handler(handler): """ Deregisters an announce handler. :param handler: The announce handler to be deregistered. """ while handler in Transport.announce_handlers: Transport.announce_handlers.remove(handler) @staticmethod def find_interface_from_hash(interface_hash): for interface in Transport.interfaces: if interface.get_hash() == interface_hash: return interface return None @staticmethod def should_cache(packet): if packet.context == RNS.Packet.RESOURCE_PRF: return True return False # When caching packets to storage, they are written # exactly as they arrived over their interface. This # means that they have not had their hop count # increased yet! Take note of this when reading from # the packet cache. @staticmethod def cache(packet, force_cache=False): if RNS.Transport.should_cache(packet) or force_cache: try: packet_hash = RNS.hexrep(packet.get_hash(), delimit=False) interface_reference = None if packet.receiving_interface != None: interface_reference = str(packet.receiving_interface) file = open(RNS.Reticulum.cachepath+"/"+packet_hash, "wb") file.write(umsgpack.packb([packet.raw, interface_reference])) file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error writing packet to cache", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e)) @staticmethod def get_cached_packet(packet_hash): try: packet_hash = RNS.hexrep(packet_hash, delimit=False) path = RNS.Reticulum.cachepath+"/"+packet_hash if os.path.isfile(path): file = open(path, "rb") cached_data = umsgpack.unpackb( file.close() packet = RNS.Packet(None, cached_data[0]) interface_reference = cached_data[1] for interface in Transport.interfaces: if str(interface) == interface_reference: packet.receiving_interface = interface return packet else: return None except Exception as e: RNS.log("Exception occurred while getting cached packet.", RNS.LOG_ERROR) RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) @staticmethod def cache_request_packet(packet): if len( == RNS.Identity.HASHLENGTH/8: packet = Transport.get_cached_packet( if packet != None: # If the packet was retrieved from the local # cache, replay it to the Transport instance, # so that it can be directed towards it original # destination. Transport.inbound(packet.raw, packet.receiving_interface) return True else: return False else: return False @staticmethod def cache_request(packet_hash, destination): cached_packet = Transport.get_cached_packet(packet_hash) if cached_packet: # The packet was found in the local cache, # replay it to the Transport instance. Transport.inbound(packet.raw, packet.receiving_interface) else: # The packet is not in the local cache, # query the network. RNS.Packet(destination, packet_hash, context = RNS.Packet.CACHE_REQUEST).send() @staticmethod def has_path(destination_hash): """ :param destination_hash: A destination hash as *bytes*. :returns: *True* if a path to the destination is known, otherwise *False*. """ if destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: return True else: return False @staticmethod def hops_to(destination_hash): """ :param destination_hash: A destination hash as *bytes*. :returns: The number of hops to the specified destination, or ``RNS.Transport.PATHFINDER_M`` if the number of hops is unknown. """ if destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: return Transport.destination_table[destination_hash][2] else: return Transport.PATHFINDER_M @staticmethod def request_path(destination_hash): """ Requests a path to the destination from the network. If another reachable peer on the network knows a path, it will announce it. :param destination_hash: A destination hash as *bytes*. """ path_request_data = destination_hash + RNS.Identity.get_random_hash() path_request_dst = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.PLAIN, Transport.APP_NAME, "path", "request") packet = RNS.Packet(path_request_dst, path_request_data, packet_type = RNS.Packet.DATA, transport_type = RNS.Transport.BROADCAST, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_1) packet.send() @staticmethod def request_path_on_interface(destination_hash, interface): path_request_data = destination_hash + RNS.Identity.get_random_hash() path_request_dst = RNS.Destination(None, RNS.Destination.OUT, RNS.Destination.PLAIN, Transport.APP_NAME, "path", "request") packet = RNS.Packet(path_request_dst, path_request_data, packet_type = RNS.Packet.DATA, transport_type = RNS.Transport.BROADCAST, header_type = RNS.Packet.HEADER_1, attached_interface = interface) packet.send() @staticmethod def path_request_handler(data, packet): if len(data) >= RNS.Identity.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8: Transport.path_request( data[:RNS.Identity.TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH//8], Transport.from_local_client(packet), packet.receiving_interface ) @staticmethod def path_request(destination_hash, is_from_local_client, attached_interface): RNS.log("Path request for "+RNS.prettyhexrep(destination_hash), RNS.LOG_DEBUG) local_destination = next((d for d in Transport.destinations if d.hash == destination_hash), None) if local_destination != None: RNS.log("Destination is local to this system, announcing", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) local_destination.announce(path_response=True) elif (RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled() or is_from_local_client) and destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: RNS.log("Path found, inserting announce for transmission", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) packet = Transport.destination_table[destination_hash][6] received_from = Transport.destination_table[destination_hash][5] now = time.time() retries = Transport.PATHFINDER_R local_rebroadcasts = 0 block_rebroadcasts = True announce_hops = packet.hops if is_from_local_client: retransmit_timeout = now else: # TODO: Look at this timing retransmit_timeout = now + Transport.PATH_REQUEST_GRACE # + (RNS.rand() * Transport.PATHFINDER_RW) # This handles an edge case where a peer sends a past # request for a destination just after an announce for # said destination has arrived, but before it has been # rebroadcast locally. In such a case the actual announce # is temporarily held, and then reinserted when the path # request has been served to the peer. if packet.destination_hash in Transport.announce_table: held_entry = Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] Transport.held_announces[packet.destination_hash] = held_entry Transport.announce_table[packet.destination_hash] = [now, retransmit_timeout, retries, received_from, announce_hops, packet, local_rebroadcasts, block_rebroadcasts, attached_interface] elif is_from_local_client: # Forward path request on all interfaces # except the local client for interface in Transport.interfaces: if not interface == attached_interface: Transport.request_path_on_interface(destination_hash, interface) elif not is_from_local_client and len(Transport.local_client_interfaces) > 0: # Forward the path request on all local # client interfaces for interface in Transport.local_client_interfaces: Transport.request_path_on_interface(destination_hash, interface) else: RNS.log("No known path to requested destination, ignoring request", RNS.LOG_DEBUG) @staticmethod def from_local_client(packet): if hasattr(packet.receiving_interface, "parent_interface"): return Transport.is_local_client_interface(packet.receiving_interface) else: return False @staticmethod def is_local_client_interface(interface): if hasattr(interface, "parent_interface"): if hasattr(interface.parent_interface, "is_local_shared_instance"): return True else: return False else: return False @staticmethod def interface_to_shared_instance(interface): if hasattr(interface, "is_connected_to_shared_instance"): return True else: return False @staticmethod def exit_handler(): try: if not RNS.Reticulum.transport_enabled(): Transport.packet_hashlist = [] else: RNS.log("Saving packet hashlist to storage...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) packet_hashlist_path = RNS.Reticulum.storagepath+"/packet_hashlist" file = open(packet_hashlist_path, "wb") file.write(umsgpack.packb(Transport.packet_hashlist)) file.close() except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not save packet hashlist to storage, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) if not Transport.owner.is_connected_to_shared_instance: RNS.log("Saving path table to storage...", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) try: serialised_destinations = [] for destination_hash in Transport.destination_table: # Get the destination entry from the destination table de = Transport.destination_table[destination_hash] interface_hash = de[5].get_hash() # Only store destination table entry if the associated # interface is still active interface = Transport.find_interface_from_hash(interface_hash) if interface != None: # Get the destination entry from the destination table de = Transport.destination_table[destination_hash] timestamp = de[0] received_from = de[1] hops = de[2] expires = de[3] random_blobs = de[4] packet_hash = de[6].get_hash() serialised_entry = [ destination_hash, timestamp, received_from, hops, expires, random_blobs, interface_hash, packet_hash ] serialised_destinations.append(serialised_entry) Transport.cache(de[6], force_cache=True) destination_table_path = RNS.Reticulum.storagepath+"/destination_table" file = open(destination_table_path, "wb") file.write(umsgpack.packb(serialised_destinations)) file.close() RNS.log("Done saving "+str(len(serialised_destinations))+" path table entries to storage", RNS.LOG_VERBOSE) except Exception as e: RNS.log("Could not save path table to storage, the contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR)