:tocdepth: 4 .. _api-main: ************* API Reference ************* Communication over Reticulum networks is achieved by using a simple set of classes exposed by the RNS API. This chapter lists and explains all classes exposed by the Reticulum Network Stack API, along with their method signatures and usage. It can be used as a reference while writing applications that utilise Reticulum, or it can be read in entirity to gain an understanding of the complete functionality of RNS from a developers perspective. .. _api-reticulum: .. only:: html |start-h3| Reticulum |end-h3| .. only:: latex Reticulum --------- .. autoclass:: RNS.Reticulum :members: .. _api-identity: .. only:: html |start-h3| Identity |end-h3| .. only:: latex Identity -------- .. autoclass:: RNS.Identity :members: .. _api-destination: .. only:: html |start-h3| Destination |end-h3| .. only:: latex Destination ----------- .. autoclass:: RNS.Destination :members: .. _api-packet: .. only:: html |start-h3| Packet |end-h3| .. only:: latex Packet ------ .. autoclass:: RNS.Packet(destination, data, create_receipt = True) :members: .. _api-packetreceipt: .. only:: html |start-h3| Packet Receipt |end-h3| .. only:: latex Packet Receipt -------------- .. autoclass:: RNS.PacketReceipt() :members: .. _api-link: .. only:: html |start-h3| Link |end-h3| .. only:: latex Link ---- .. autoclass:: RNS.Link(destination, established_callback=None, closed_callback = None) :members: .. _api-requestreceipt: .. only:: html |start-h3| Request Receipt |end-h3| .. only:: latex Request Receipt --------------- .. autoclass:: RNS.RequestReceipt() :members: .. _api-resource: .. only:: html |start-h3| Resource |end-h3| .. only:: latex Resource -------- .. autoclass:: RNS.Resource(data, link, advertise=True, auto_compress=True, callback=None, progress_callback=None, timeout=None) :members: .. _api-transport: .. only:: html |start-h3| Transport |end-h3| .. only:: latex Transport --------- .. autoclass:: RNS.Transport :members: .. |start-h3| raw:: html

.. |end-h3| raw:: html