
This commit is contained in:
Trygve 2023-11-07 14:24:45 +01:00
parent c94aafe981
commit d008355498
2 changed files with 184 additions and 285 deletions

otime/iof_xml.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
def xml_child(parent, tag, content):
# Used to make creating xml files easier
e = ET.SubElement(parent, tag)
e.text = str(content)
def create_result_xml(self):
root = ET.Element('ResultList')
root.set('xmlns', 'http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0')
root.set('xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance')
root.set('iofVersion', '3.0')
root.set('createTime', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(timespec='seconds'))
root.set('creator', 'oTime')
root.set('status', 'Complete')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
event = ET.SubElement(root, 'Event')
xml_child(event, 'Id', self.id)
xml_child(event, 'Name', self.name)
for i in self.o_classes:
# <ClassResult>
class_result = ET.SubElement(root, 'ClassResult')
# <Class>
t = ET.SubElement(class_result, 'Class')
xml_child(t, 'Name', i.name)
# <PersonResult>
runners_same_c = get_runners_in_class(self.runners, i)
runners_ranked = rank_runners(runners_same_c, i)
# Put the OK runners first and Active last
runners_sorted = [i for i in runners_same_c if i not in runners_ranked]
for n in runners_ranked:
person_result = ET.SubElement(class_result, 'PersonResult')
# <Person>
person = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Person')
xml_child(person, 'Id', n.id)
# <Name>
name = ET.SubElement(person, 'Name')
xml_child(name, 'Family', n.last)
xml_child(name, 'Given', n.first)
# </Name>
# </Person>
# <Organisation>
org = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Organisation')
xml_child(org, 'Id', n.club_id)
xml_child(org, 'Name', n.club)
country = ET.SubElement(org, 'Country')
# TODO: hent land fra løperobjektet
country.text = 'Norway'
country.set('code', 'NOR')
# </Organisation>
# <Result>
result = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Result')
# TODO: Dette bør skrives om til å bruke Runner metoder så mye som mulig.
if hasattr(n, 'card_r') and len(n.card_r.splits) > 2:
xml_child(result, 'StartTime', n.card_r.s_time.isoformat())
xml_child(result, 'FinishTime', n.card_r.f_time.isoformat())
xml_child(result, 'Time', n.totaltime())
if n.status() == 'OK':
# <TimeBehind>
xml_child(result, 'TimeBehind', n.totaltime() - runners_ranked[0].totaltime())
# </TimeBehind>
xml_child(result, 'Position', n.rank(self.runners))
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
# <SplitTime>
# TODO: ta utgangspunkt i løypa, ikke det brikka har stempla
for code, split in zip(n.card_r.controls, n.card_r.splits):
st = ET.SubElement(result, 'SplitTime')
xml_child(st, 'ControlCode', code)
xml_child(st, 'Time', split)
if code == n.res_codes()[-1]:
# </SplitTime>
elif n.status() == 'Disqualified':
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
for code, split in zip(n.res_codes(), n.res_splits()):
st = ET.SubElement(result, 'SplitTime')
xml_child(st, 'ControlCode', code)
if split is not None:
xml_child(st, 'Time', split)
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
# </Result>
# </PersonResult>
# </Class>
ET.indent(root, space=' ', level=0)
return tree
def runners_from_xml_entries(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
runners = []
person_entries = root.findall(f'./{url}PersonEntry')
for p_entry in person_entries:
rid = p_entry[1][0].text
person = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Person')
name = person.find(f'./{url}Name')
first = name.find(f'./{url}Given').text
last = name.find(f'./{url}Family').text
organisation = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Organisation')
if organisation is not None:
club_id = organisation.find(f'./{url}Id').text
club_name = organisation.find(f'./{url}Name').text
club_name_short = organisation.find(f'./{url}ShortName').text
country = organisation.find(f'./{url}Country').attrib['code']
club_id = club_name = club_name_short = country = None
class_el = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Class')
class_str = class_el.find(f'./{url}Name').text
fee_id = int(p_entry.find(f'./{url}AssignedFee/{url}Fee/{url}Id').text)
card = int(p_entry.find(f'./{url}ControlCard').text)
except AttributeError:
card = None
start_time = None
runners.append(Runner(rid, first, last, club=club_name, club_id=club_id,
country=country,card=card, o_class_str=class_str,
start_time=start_time, fee_id=fee_id))
return runners
def fees_from_xml_entries(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
allfees = root.findall(f'.//{url}Fee')
added_ids = []
fee_objs = []
for fee in allfees:
f_id = int(fee.find(f'./{url}Id').text)
if f_id not in added_ids:
fee_id = f_id
name = fee.find(f'./{url}Name').text
currency = fee.find(f'./{url}Amount').attrib['currency']
amount = int(fee.find(f'./{url}Amount').text)
from_birth_date = fee.find(f'./{url}FromDateOfBirth').text
except AttributeError:
from_birth_date = None
to_birth_date = fee.find(f'./{url}ToDateOfBirth').text
except AttributeError:
to_birth_date = None
fee_objs.append(Fee(fee_id, name, currency, amount,
from_birth_date=from_birth_date, to_birth_date=to_birth_date))
return fee_objs
def courses_from_xml(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
allcourses = root.findall(f'.//{url}Course')
courseobjs = []
for c in allcourses:
name = c.find(f'./{url}Name').text
controls = []
allcontrols = c.findall(f'./{url}CourseControl')
for n in allcontrols:
controls = [int(l) for l in controls]
courseobjs.append(Course(name, controls))
return courseobjs

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class Runner:
self.start_time = start_time
self.fee_id = fee_id
self.status_override = ''
def __repr__(self):
@ -62,71 +63,6 @@ class Runner:
def fullname(self):
return '{} {}'.format(self.first, self.last)
# TODO: må forbedres
def rank(self, allrunners):
c_ranked = rank_runners(allrunners, self.o_class)
return c_ranked.index(self) + 1
except ValueError:
return None
def get_codes(self):
if self.o_class.course.forked is False:
return self.o_class.course.codes
return self.o_class.course.variations[self.fork]
# TODO: Mange bugs med løyper som har samme post flere ganger
# Used for making result files and tables
def get_splits(self):
if self.status() == 'OK':
splits_cpy = self.card_r.splits.copy()
for control in self.card_r.controls:
if control not in self.res_codes():
index = self.card_r.controls.index(control)
split = self.card_r.splits[index]
return splits_cpy
splits_cpy = self.card_r.splits.copy()
for control in self.card_r.controls:
if control not in self.res_codes():
index = self.card_r.controls.index(control)
split = self.card_r.splits[index]
except Exception:
punches = self.card_r.controls.copy()
splits = []
for code in self.res_codes():
if punches[0] == code:
return splits
def asdict(self):
return {
'id': self.id,
'first': self.first,
'last': self.last,
'club_id': self.club_id,
'club': self.club,
'country': self.country,
'card': self.card,
'o_class_str': self.o_class_str,
'fork' : self.fork,
'start_time': self.start_time,
'fee_id': self.fee_id
class CardDump:
def __init__(self, card, controls, splits, read_time, s_time, f_time):
self.card = card
@ -219,16 +155,6 @@ class CardDump:
cards.append(CardDump(int(row[6]), controls, splits, read_time, s_time, f_time))
return cards
def asdict(self):
return {
'card': self.card,
'controls': self.controls,
'splits': self.splits,
'read_time': self.read_time.isoformat(),
's_time': self.s_time.isoformat(),
'f_time': self.f_time.isoformat()
# Stored in Event.courses
class Course:
def __init__(self, name, codes, forked=False, variations=None):
@ -241,14 +167,6 @@ class Course:
def __repr__(self):
return f'name({self.name})'
def asdict(self):
return {
'name': self.name,
'codes': self.codes,
'forked': self.forked,
'variations': self.variations
# Stored in Event.o_classes
class OClass:
def __init__(self, name, course):
@ -460,92 +378,6 @@ class Event:
def create_result_pdf(self, file_path):
pdf.create_result_list(copy.deepcopy(self), file_path)
def create_result_xml(self):
root = ET.Element('ResultList')
root.set('xmlns', 'http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0')
root.set('xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance')
root.set('iofVersion', '3.0')
root.set('createTime', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(timespec='seconds'))
root.set('creator', 'oTime')
root.set('status', 'Complete')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
event = ET.SubElement(root, 'Event')
xml_child(event, 'Id', self.id)
xml_child(event, 'Name', self.name)
for i in self.o_classes:
# <ClassResult>
class_result = ET.SubElement(root, 'ClassResult')
# <Class>
t = ET.SubElement(class_result, 'Class')
xml_child(t, 'Name', i.name)
# <PersonResult>
runners_same_c = get_runners_in_class(self.runners, i)
runners_ranked = rank_runners(runners_same_c, i)
# Put the OK runners first and Active last
runners_sorted = [i for i in runners_same_c if i not in runners_ranked]
for n in runners_ranked:
person_result = ET.SubElement(class_result, 'PersonResult')
# <Person>
person = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Person')
xml_child(person, 'Id', n.id)
# <Name>
name = ET.SubElement(person, 'Name')
xml_child(name, 'Family', n.last)
xml_child(name, 'Given', n.first)
# </Name>
# </Person>
# <Organisation>
org = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Organisation')
xml_child(org, 'Id', n.club_id)
xml_child(org, 'Name', n.club)
country = ET.SubElement(org, 'Country')
# TODO: hent land fra løperobjektet
country.text = 'Norway'
country.set('code', 'NOR')
# </Organisation>
# <Result>
result = ET.SubElement(person_result, 'Result')
# TODO: Dette bør skrives om til å bruke Runner metoder så mye som mulig.
if hasattr(n, 'card_r') and len(n.card_r.splits) > 2:
xml_child(result, 'StartTime', n.card_r.s_time.isoformat())
xml_child(result, 'FinishTime', n.card_r.f_time.isoformat())
xml_child(result, 'Time', n.totaltime())
if n.status() == 'OK':
# <TimeBehind>
xml_child(result, 'TimeBehind', n.totaltime() - runners_ranked[0].totaltime())
# </TimeBehind>
xml_child(result, 'Position', n.rank(self.runners))
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
# <SplitTime>
# TODO: ta utgangspunkt i løypa, ikke det brikka har stempla
for code, split in zip(n.card_r.controls, n.card_r.splits):
st = ET.SubElement(result, 'SplitTime')
xml_child(st, 'ControlCode', code)
xml_child(st, 'Time', split)
if code == n.res_codes()[-1]:
# </SplitTime>
elif n.status() == 'Disqualified':
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
for code, split in zip(n.res_codes(), n.res_splits()):
st = ET.SubElement(result, 'SplitTime')
xml_child(st, 'ControlCode', code)
if split is not None:
xml_child(st, 'Time', split)
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
xml_child(result, 'Status', n.status())
# </Result>
# </PersonResult>
# </Class>
ET.indent(root, space=' ', level=0)
return tree
class Fee:
def __init__(self, fee_id, name, currency, amount, from_birth_date=None,
@ -556,16 +388,6 @@ class Fee:
self.from_birth_date = from_birth_date
self.to_birth_date = to_birth_date
def asdict(self):
return {
'id': self.id,
'name': self.name,
'currency': self.currency,
'amount': self.amount,
'from_birth_date': self.from_birth_date,
'to_birth_date': self.to_birth_date
def produce_class_result(event, o_class_name) -> ClassResult:
o_class = event.get_o_class(o_class_name)
runners = event.get_runners_in_o_class(o_class_name)
@ -614,96 +436,6 @@ def classes_from_ttime_conf(ttime_file, courses):
loops += 1
return o_classes
def runners_from_xml_entries(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
runners = []
person_entries = root.findall(f'./{url}PersonEntry')
for p_entry in person_entries:
rid = p_entry[1][0].text
person = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Person')
name = person.find(f'./{url}Name')
first = name.find(f'./{url}Given').text
last = name.find(f'./{url}Family').text
organisation = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Organisation')
if organisation is not None:
club_id = organisation.find(f'./{url}Id').text
club_name = organisation.find(f'./{url}Name').text
club_name_short = organisation.find(f'./{url}ShortName').text
country = organisation.find(f'./{url}Country').attrib['code']
club_id = club_name = club_name_short = country = None
class_el = p_entry.find(f'./{url}Class')
class_str = class_el.find(f'./{url}Name').text
fee_id = int(p_entry.find(f'./{url}AssignedFee/{url}Fee/{url}Id').text)
card = int(p_entry.find(f'./{url}ControlCard').text)
except AttributeError:
card = None
start_time = None
runners.append(Runner(rid, first, last, club=club_name, club_id=club_id,
country=country,card=card, o_class_str=class_str,
start_time=start_time, fee_id=fee_id))
return runners
def fees_from_xml_entries(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
allfees = root.findall(f'.//{url}Fee')
added_ids = []
fee_objs = []
for fee in allfees:
f_id = int(fee.find(f'./{url}Id').text)
if f_id not in added_ids:
fee_id = f_id
name = fee.find(f'./{url}Name').text
currency = fee.find(f'./{url}Amount').attrib['currency']
amount = int(fee.find(f'./{url}Amount').text)
from_birth_date = fee.find(f'./{url}FromDateOfBirth').text
except AttributeError:
from_birth_date = None
to_birth_date = fee.find(f'./{url}ToDateOfBirth').text
except AttributeError:
to_birth_date = None
fee_objs.append(Fee(fee_id, name, currency, amount,
from_birth_date=from_birth_date, to_birth_date=to_birth_date))
return fee_objs
def courses_from_xml(xml_file):
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
url = '{http://www.orienteering.org/datastandard/3.0}'
allcourses = root.findall(f'.//{url}Course')
courseobjs = []
for c in allcourses:
name = c.find(f'./{url}Name').text
controls = []
allcontrols = c.findall(f'./{url}CourseControl')
for n in allcontrols:
controls = [int(l) for l in controls]
courseobjs.append(Course(name, controls))
return courseobjs
# Checks if small list is in big list
def contains(small, big):
valid = True
@ -720,19 +452,4 @@ def contains(small, big):
if valid:
return map_bl
return False
def rank_runners(allrunners, o_class):
runners = get_runners_in_class(allrunners, o_class)
runners_ranked = []
for i in runners:
if i.status() == 'OK':
runners_ranked.sort(key=lambda x: x.totaltime())
return runners_ranked
# Used to make creating xml files easier
def xml_child(parent, tag, content):
e = ET.SubElement(parent, tag)
e.text = str(content)
return False