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This commit is contained in:
Trygve 2023-11-28 01:33:25 +01:00
parent f1612cf838
commit a39c5e4615
1 changed files with 26 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -28,22 +28,32 @@ def main():
parser_init.add_argument('--port', required=False, dest='port', action='store', help='specify a serial port')
parser_init.add_argument('--xml', required=False, dest='xml_path', action='store', default=None, help='Where the xml result file should be saved')
parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('viewer', help='View otime data')
parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('gen', help='Generate result files')
parser_init.add_argument('--dir', required=False, dest='dir', action='store', default='./', help='specify a directory')
parser_init.add_argument('--xml', required=False, dest='xml_path', action='store', default=None, help='Where the xml result file should be saved')
parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('view', help='View otime data')
parser_init.add_argument('--dir', required=False, dest='dir', action='store', default='./', help='specify a directory')
parser_init.add_argument('--xml', required=False, dest='xml_path', action='store', default=None, help='Where the xml result file should be saved')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.xml_path:
args.xml_path = args.dir + '/output'
if not args.xml_path:
args.xml_path = args.dir + '/output'
except AttributeError:
match args.command:
case 'init':
init_dir(args.dir, args.entries_file, args.courses_file)
case 'run':
run(args.port, args.dir, args.xml_path)
case 'viewer':
case 'view':
case 'gen':
gen(args.dir, args.xml_path)
def init_dir(project_dir, entries_xml_file, courses_xml_file):
# Lager mappe med en config fil, en csv fil med løpere og en fil med mtr data
@ -93,6 +103,18 @@ def run(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', project_dir='./', xml_path='./output/'):
meat =
def gen(project_dir='./', xml_path='./output/'):
config_path = project_dir + '/config.yaml'
mtr_path = project_dir + '/mtr.yaml'
csv_path = project_dir + '/runners.csv'
event = file_io.event_from_yaml_and_csv(config_path, mtr_path, csv_path)
file_io.write_card_dumps(event, mtr_path)['git', 'add', './*'], cwd=project_dir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)['git', 'commit', '-m', f'Manually run'], cwd=project_dir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
iof_xml.create_result_file(event, xml_path + '/results.xml')
pdf.create_result_list(event, project_dir + '/output/results.pdf')
def runner_info(event, card_dump):
runner = next((i for i in event.runners if str(i.card_id) == str(card_dump.card)), None)
if runner is None: