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import argparse
import file_io
import iof_xml
2023-11-19 16:54:27 +00:00
import serial
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
import subprocess
import os
2023-11-19 16:54:27 +00:00
import otime
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
import iof_xml
import pdf
from pdf import format_m_s
from rich import print
# Main entrypoint for now. Cli with two options; init will make the files needed and run will start the program from the specified directory
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Otime very alpha version 😁')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command')
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help='Create project files')
parser_init.add_argument('--entries', required=True, dest='entries_file', action='store', default='./',
help='The xml file with entries')
parser_init.add_argument('--courses', required=True, dest='courses_file', action='store', default='./',
help='The xml with courses')
parser_init.add_argument('--dir', required=False, dest='dir', action='store', default='./',
help='Specify a directort, if not set the files are created in the current directory')
2023-11-19 16:54:27 +00:00
parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='run otime')
parser_init.add_argument('--dir', required=False, dest='dir', action='store', default='./', help='specify a directory')
parser_init.add_argument('--port', required=False, dest='port', action='store', help='specify a serial port')
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parser_init.add_argument('--xml', required=False, dest='xml_path', action='store', default=None, help='Where the xml result file should be saved')
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args = parser.parse_args()
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if not args.xml_path:
args.xml_path = args.dir + '/output'
2023-11-19 16:54:27 +00:00
match args.command:
case 'init':
init_dir(args.dir, args.entries_file, args.courses_file)
case 'run':
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
run(args.port, args.dir, args.xml_path)
def init_dir(project_dir, entries_xml_file, courses_xml_file):
# Lager mappe med en config fil, en csv fil med løpere og en fil med mtr data
csv_db_path = project_dir + '/runners.csv'
config_path = project_dir + '/config.yaml'
mtr_path = project_dir + 'mtr.yaml'
event = iof_xml.event_from_xml_entries(entries_xml_file)
event.courses = iof_xml.courses_from_xml(courses_xml_file)
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print(f'Read {len(event.runners)} runners, {len(event.card_dumps)} ecards, {len(event.courses)} courses and {len(event.o_classes)} classes')
print('Remember to manually link the courses and classes in the config file')
file_io.write_runners_csv(event, csv_db_path)
file_io.write_config(event, config_path)
file_io.write_card_dumps(event, mtr_path)
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
subprocess.run(['git', 'init', project_dir])
subprocess.run(['git', 'add', './*'], cwd=project_dir)
subprocess.run(['git', 'commit', '-m', f'Project initiated by otime'], cwd=project_dir)
def run(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', project_dir='./', xml_path='./output/'):
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mtr = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=9600, timeout=40)
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config_path = project_dir + '/config.yaml'
mtr_path = project_dir + '/mtr.yaml'
csv_path = project_dir + '/runners.csv'
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while True:
if mtr.in_waiting > 0:
size = mtr.read(size=1)
if size == b'\xe6':
event = file_io.event_from_yaml_and_csv(config_path, mtr_path, csv_path)
meat = mtr.read(229)
full = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + size + meat
card_dump = otime.CardDump.from_mtr_bytes(full)
file_io.write_card_dumps(event, mtr_path)
print(runner_info(event, card_dump))
2023-11-21 21:32:14 +00:00
subprocess.run(['git', 'add', './*'], cwd=project_dir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
subprocess.run(['git', 'commit', '-m', f'Added {card_dump.card}'], cwd=project_dir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
iof_xml.create_result_file(event, xml_path + '/results.xml')
pdf.create_result_list(event, project_dir + '/output/results.pdf')
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elif size == b'\x37':
meat = mtr.read(55)
def runner_info(event, card_dump):
runner = next((i for i in event.runners if str(i.card_id) == str(card_dump.card)), None)
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if runner is None:
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return card_dump
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result = event.get_runner_result(runner.id)
if result is None:
return '🧐 Dette skal ikke skje...'
if result.status == 'OK':
result_text = f'[green]Place: {result.place}. Time: [bold][yellow]{format_m_s(result.total_time)}[/yellow][/bold][/green]'
elif result.status == 'MissingPunch':
result_text = f'[red]Missed Control! Time: [bold][yellow]{format_m_s(result.total_time)}[/yellow][/bold][/red]'
result_text = f'[blue]{result.status}, Time: [bold][yellow]{result.total_time}[/yellow][/bold][/blue]'
return result_text + f' [blue]{result.fullname()}[/blue], {result.o_class}, {result.club}, [italic]Card: {result.card_id}[/italic]'
2023-11-19 16:54:27 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':