% INF205 Project report % Esther and Trygve % 7. May 2024 ## Group: Trygve and Esther # Functionality Our program usees the marching squares algorithm to create a vector contour map from a raster heightmap (DTM). It outputs a geojson file that can be read by gis software. [https://mapshaper.org/](https://mapshaper.org/) is a simple website where you can view geojson files. # data structures and input/output ![ER diagram](ER_diagram.svg) The HeightMap class stores the heightmap as a array on the heap. It was not nececarry to copy or move this class, so we did not implement copy or move constructors/assignment operators. The Point class represents a point in a line. The points are stored in vectors, wich are again stored in a big vector containing all the lines. The `produce_cellmap` function finds the points for a contour at a given elevation. The `create_lines` uses `produce_cellmap` the get the points and then sorts them into contiguous lines before returning a `std::vector>`{.cpp} thats used by the function `write_output_file` to write them to a geojson file. # Performance # Functionality of special interest ## Trygve I can created a blur method that performs a simple box blur on the whole heigtmap. This is usefull to smooth out noise and create a more readable output. I wanted to implement a gaussion blur, and the code is ready for that, but in the end we became short on time.