#include #include #include #include "dynamic-array.h" #include "singly-linked-list.h" #include "doubly-linked-list.h" namespace { /* * run a simple test */ void test_sequence(seq::Sequence* sqn, int n, int m, std::ostream* os) { assert((m > 0) && (n > m)); if(os) *os << "Push even numbers from 0 to " << 2*(n-1) << ".\n"; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) sqn->push(2*i); if(os) *os << "Overwrite element at index " << m/2 << " with 0.\n"; int& item = sqn->at(m/2); item = 0; if(os) *os << "\nSize of sequence: " << sqn->size() << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "Detaching " << m/2 << " elements from front:"; for(int i = 0; i < m/2; i++) { if(os) *os << " " << sqn->front(); sqn->pop_front(); } if(os) *os << ".\nDetaching " << m/2 << " elements from back:"; for(int i = 0; i < m/2; i++) { if(os) *os << " " << sqn->back(); sqn->pop_back(); } if(os) *os << ".\nSize of sequence: " << sqn->size() << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "\nElement at index " << (n-m)/3 << ": " << sqn->at((n-m)/3) << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "Element at index " << 2*(n-m)/3 << ": " << sqn->at(2*(n-m)/3) << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "\nInsert " << m << " at index " << 2*(n-m)/3 << ".\n"; sqn->insert_at(2*(n-m)/3, m); if(os) *os << "Size of sequence: " << sqn->size() << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "\nDelete element at index " << (n-m)/3 << ".\n"; sqn->erase_at((n-m)/3); if(os) *os << "Size of sequence: " << sqn->size() << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "Element at index " << 2*(n-m)/3 - 1 << ": " << sqn->at(2*(n-m)/3 - 1) << ".\n"; if(os) *os << "\nClearing.\n"; sqn->clear(); if(os) *os << "Size of sequence: " << sqn->size() << ".\n"; } /* * return time measurement in units of seconds */ float test_with_time_measurement(seq::Sequence* sqn, int iterations) { int sequence_length = 200001; int deletions = 10; test_sequence(sqn, sequence_length, deletions, &std::cout); int log_entries = 10; std::cout << "\nNow repeat the above " << iterations << " times:\n"; auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { test_sequence(sqn, sequence_length, deletions, nullptr); if((i+1) % (iterations/log_entries) == 0) { std::cout << "\t" << i+1 << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); // make sure that status output is shown without delay } } auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); return 1.0e-06 * std::chrono::duration_cast(t1-t0).count(); } } int main() { int iterations = 200; std::cout << "*** test with dynamic array ***\n"; seq::DynamicArray dyna; float dyna_time = test_with_time_measurement(&dyna, iterations); std::cout << "\n\n*** test with singly linked list ***\n"; seq::SinglyLinkedList sll; float sll_time = test_with_time_measurement(&sll, iterations); std::cout << "\n\n*** test with doubly linked list ***\n"; seq::DoublyLinkedList dll; float dll_time = test_with_time_measurement(&dll, iterations); std::cout << "\n\nRuntime for dynamic array:\t" << dyna_time << " s\n"; std::cout << "Runtime for singly linked list:\t" << sll_time << " s\n"; std::cout << "Runtime for doubly linked list:\t" << dll_time << " s\n"; }