import re # Task 1 """ Assume that we have sentences of the form - Ali and Per are friends. - Kari and Joe know each other. - James has known Peter since school days. The common structure here is that each sentence contains two names and that the names are the only words beginning with capital letters. Create a regular expression that - matches these sentences (one sentence at a time) - collects the names in groups """ def get_friends(text): friends = [] for s in text: names = re.findall(r'[A-Z]\w*', s) if len(names) != 2: raise ValueError('String does not contain excactly two capitalized words') friends.append(names) t = '{:^20}\n'.format('Venner') t += ("-"*len(t)+"\n") for n in friends: t += (f'{n[0]:^10}-{n[1]:^10}\n') return(t) # Task 2 """ Write a Python function validate_password that checks if a given password string is valid based on the following rules: Starts with an uppercase letter from I to Z. Contains at least one word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscore). Has exactly 4 to 5 characters in length. Ends with a digit. May contain spaces between the characters but cannot start or end with a space. The password must end at the string's end. """ def validate_password(password): if re.match('[I-Z]', password) == None: return False if re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9|_]', password) == None: return False if len(password) < 4 or len(password) > 5: return False if'[0-9]$', password) == None: return False # Rules 5 and 6 are already fulfilled return True def main(): print('Test task 1:') text = [ 'Ali and Per and friends.', 'Kari and Joe know each other.', 'James has known Peter since school days.' ] print(get_friends(text)) print('Test task 1:') print('Valid:') print(f'J1234: {validate_password("J1234")}') print(f'I_ab5: {validate_password("I_ab5")}') print(f'Z9_w4: {validate_password("Z9_w4")}') print('\n') print('Invalid:') print(f'A1234: {validate_password("A1234")}') print(f'J12345: {validate_password("J12345")}') print(f'I__: {validate_password("I__")}') print(f'?=?=)(=)/&__: {validate_password("?=?=)(=)/&")}') print(f' J1234: {validate_password(" J1234")}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()